Stone Cold Face

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Sofias pov

It was the first day of ninth grade, my first year of high school. Fuck so far the day was shit, i was late to most of my classes, i skipped lunch, and my anxiety was through the roof.

Of course it didnt help that i was high off my ass. Im a stoner and i probably would have killed myself by now if it wasnt for weed.

It was seventh period only two more periods and we can leave. I happened to have gym class period seven. I walked into the gym practically shaking. I had no idea what my teacher looked like or what their name was.

I saw a girl and i could tell she was a stoner. I have that power, i can look at someone and tell if they are a stoner or not. So i immediatly walked over to her.

She was very hesitant, i dont look like a stoner, in fact i look like your average sixteen year old. I had long hair exceding my waist, clothes that werent expensive nor cheap.

I was average and no one expects something crazy from an average girl.

Anyways i walked over to the girl she had short blonde hair and gages. I learned her name was hope.

We quickly became good friends.

We spent the majority of seventh period talking about drugs and our crazy adventures we've been on.

The bell for eighth period rang and hope and i went our seperate ways. I went to my locker then turned and made my way to math.

I was walking fast, making my way through the crowded hallway like a bullet. But i saw someone, god he was hot.

You know how in the movies when they see someone hot they do that thing where they have to do a double take? Yeah, well i did that.

I did a double take and followed him with my eyes. He was walking with his friends talking and making jokes. But there was something cold and hard about his face that i found undeniably attractive.

"Stone cold face" i whispered to myself. He walked out of sight and i rushed to my math class. I got there and sat in the back thinking about him.

I had no idea who he was, all i knew was that he wasnt a freshmen. He was to tall, and his face looked to old, not like old old but like old as in not a freshmen.

The teacher walked in and i was cut of my day dreams of stone cold face, yes that is what ill be calling him from now on until i know what his name is.

Before i knew it math was over and it was time to go home. I rushed to my locker scanning the hallways for stone cold face, i didnt see him or his posse of friends.

"Fuck" i muttered closing my locker and exiting the school and getting on my bus.

I went on social media and went on all of the popular freshmens accounts to see if anyone knew stone cold face, but to no avail.

I laughed "watch me never see him again" i whispered to myself scrolling through social media.

I shrugged not really caring because i would never have a chance with such a hot person

I got home and quickly went upstairs avoiding any conversations with my ignorant family.

I did my homework which was a lot for the first day of school but whatever.

I slipped downstairs made myself a sandwhich, showered, then i went to bed ready for tomorrow, ready for another possiblity to see stone cold face again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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