Chapter Two

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Not proofed!


I am currently sitting in the garage portion of the motorcycle shop I run, watching the street. It smells awful in here with all of the oil, gas, and other fluids being drained from the bikes, but I don't care. This place gives me the clearest view of the road. I am waiting for my baby sister quiet impatiently if you can't tell.

It's been a long eleven years.

"She here yet?" David, one of my workers, ask.

"Nope." I answer. "Soon though."

"You nervous?"

"Nope." I answer..... okay, I lie.

He snorts. "Liar."

I laugh. "Maybe a little."

"Hey boss?" Another worker named Kyle yells from the back.


"There's some ladies in your office looking for you.... I think one is a witch." He said walking over. He lowers his voice for the last part.

I jump from my chair and run towards the office. They must have come in the back way. I laugh to myself about Kyle's witch comment. He wasn't kidding, one of these ladies that had my baby sister was definitely evil.

I snatch open the door and collide with Ursula herself. "Hello." I say, offering a smile as I steady her. "Sorry."

Queen-no-heart just stares, while Karen steps forward and shakes my hand. "Good to see you Elliot."

"You too!" I say in excitement as I look around. My heart falls. "Where is Ellie?"

"She didn't want to come." Stephanie says, looking me in the eye calmly.

"Stephanie." Karen warns lowly. "She is in the car. She fell asleep just a bit ago. Do you think you can carry her up?"

I nod, ignoring Stephanie's hostile state, and go out the back way. I open the black door on the SUV and smile. There she is! She's beautiful. We both share dark, curly hair. Hers is so long is goes to her waist. Her dark lashes rest sweetly against her dark colored skin. I admire her little heart shaped face and button nose. She favors mom a lot. I step forward and gently unbuckle her seatbelt, before lifting her close to my chest. I ease from the tight spot and began to move towards the house. "You guys can follow me." I say, stopping them from unloading the car. "The men will grab her things."

David opens the door for me and I mumble a soft thanks, before walking past the office and into the hallway. "Is she going to be living at this shop?" Stephanie asks with obvious distaste.

Before I can reply I hear Karen tell her to go wait in the car. I bite back a smile, but before I can rejoice I feel the Lord leading me. I stop at the stairs and turn around. "No, it's okay. She's worried about Ellie and that's great. Though I do not care for your poor attitude, I do understand this must be really hard on you. I would like to show you the things that I have arranged for Ellie's future. Please come up." I ask before seeing her eyes glaze over. She nods and I turn back around before carefully carrying Ellie up the stairs and into my... erm, our apartment.

"Have a seat." I offer as I point my head in the direction of the living area. I carry Ellie towards her new room, and shoulder the door gently. I walk over and settle her into her bed, before gently slipping off her hoodie and her shoes. I grab a gray chevron throw and tuck it around her gently. I kiss her forehead gently and thank God for bringing my baby back home, before standing and walking into the living room.

When You Walk Through The FireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora