4. The Hitchhikers

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"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!"

In the heat of your anger you'd boldly grabbed the Doctor's shoulders and pulled him off of River who'd at first been shocked but now just followed you into the TARDIS as you dragged the Doctor by his ear like a child.

River shut the doors and you wondered for the first time why she wasn't stopping you from laying a hand on the Doctor.

She stifled a laugh behind her elegant hand and you realised that it was because she was amused. You liked her now. If she was willing to, rationally, kiss a handsome man as the Doctor, yet able to laugh at your child-treatment of him, then she was definitely a friend of yours.

You finally let go of the Doctor's ear and he straightened up, brushing himself down.

River leaned against the TARDIS doors, somewhat excited to see the direction of the conversation.
The Doctor huffed. "Why on Earth did you—"

He didn't get another word out before you struck him across the face. He stood with his mouth agape, blinking, for a fair while.

"Ooh", this time River really did laugh. "That's good, even by my standards!"

The Doctor redirected his blinking at River. "Yeah, she- she has standards..." He turned back to you. "Have you two met before— did she teach you that?"

You folded your arms, looking around for the trapped Silence. You found it suspended within the wall and relaxed enough to keep talking.
"Absolutely not". You were starting to feel a little bad for hitting the Doctor, hiding your embarrassment beneath confidence. The Doctor's face was turning classic acrylic paint red.

"Well, it hurt", and his bow lips bent in a perfect little pout, eyebrows scrunching up, indeed precisely like a child as he laid his hand over his cheek, rubbing it.

"I'm sorry", you said. "But honestly, Doctor. Here we are— the Girl Who Barely Remembers Her Own Name—", River sniggered, "—trying to get help from a Mad Man with the face of a twelve-year-old who claims he's the only one who knows anything about her and is still willing to help her. Then they're rounding up a raggedy crew to go behind the face of Big Ben— for what, exactly?"

"For a plan", the Doctor said mischievously, folding his fingers momentarily before setting the TARDIS into gear.

"You have a plan?" River asked incredulously, waltzing over and flipping off the breaks.

The Doctor frowned and turned the TARDIS breaks back on. You flipped them off again and River smiled.

"I like her".

"I'm still deciding", mumbled the Doctor.

"Plan?" you prodded, leaning against the TARDIS.

"Time to pick up the parentals, River", the Doctor winked at her as the TARDIS whirred. Then the Doctor walked outside.

"Hello, Pond!" you heard him yell happily and there came two replies.

Meanwhile, River gave you a quick once over. "You sure we haven't met before?" she narrowed her eyes.

"Quite certain", you said. "Why?"

"Seem familiar", River mumbled before shaking her curly head.

"I wouldn't forget a face".

"No you wouldn't, would you... You're the legendary Girl Who Remembered", and as River spoke you could almost hear the quotation marks around the title.

Still, you decided to ask. River seemed to be both knowledgable and willing to lend. "Why? Why does the Doctor call me that?"

River scoffed. "He calls many people many things and them he in return".

The Girl Who Remembered (Eleventh Doctor x Reader- female :))Where stories live. Discover now