Chapter 1

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       My mother and I stay hugging for what seems like hours before she hesitantly pulls away. "Come Beatrice, there are so many people that can't wait to see you." My mother turns and walks out of the back door of the weapons lab without looking back. I want to go with her, but I have to turn back before I leave this room. As soon as I turn around I wish I didn't. To my horror I see my body lying lifelessly on the ground with Caleb hunched over me sobbing. Tears start to build up in my eyes but I blink them away as quickly as they came. Caleb seems to be screaming but I cannot here him or the people behind him that stare with a sad shock. I turn away just as Cara puts her hand on his back and rubs him. My mother was right, they will care for each other. In the corner I see David slumped in a chair. I feel heat rise up to my cheeks, and I want to strangle him for causing all my friends pain. My mother is standing by the back door of the lab starring at me. "Beatrice, come... the longer you stay the worse it will be."  I know that she is right but, I want to stay to find out what will happen next...But I follow anyway.

       As soon as we exit the lab I find myself standing in the pit. It is full of people who look like true born Dauntless. Then I realize, these are people that died. My mother guides my through a hall and I appear in Abnegation. "Beatrice this is where your father and I are. We live in the same house that we did in real life." I nod silently in reply. "I'm sure your father would like to see you. Do you want to lead the way?" I don't even respond to her comment, I just take off sprinting towards my childhood home. I walk up to the door hesitantly, and knock politely. My father answers and looks down at me with a smile. His eyes are wet with tears and his shirt is still stained with blood. This makes me remember that I too am dead and I look quickly to see where I was shot. I feel the lukewarm bile rise in my throat as I see that right above my heart three bullet holes pouring out blood. This time I do cry, because those holes are a permanent reminder of the three people I left: Caleb, Christina, and Tobias....

          Tobias, I almost forgot, how can I get to him from here? I look at my parents quickly which gives them a worried look. "I need to find Tobias," I let out in a exasperated gasp. "Where is he?" My parents both exchange anxious looks and then eye something behind me. I turn around to see Will, I run up to him and hug him tightly while apologizing. I must be crying cause he wipes a tear from my face with his sleeve while laughing. "It's okay Tris, the person our shot wasn't me. I'm fine now." I smile at him weakly and clear my face of any tears. "Tris come with me, this is important." Are we going to find Tobias? Will nods his head and walks out of the house and I follow him immediately. We walk for awhile until we come up to a big radiant dome. He holds the. glass door open for me while I walk in. Inside it is filled with tons of bowls filled with a holographic liquid. "Tris when you die you get one person to watch over for the rest of your life. Anytime you want to see them you come here and look into their bowl. You can see them but they can't see you,"He leads me towards a group of bowls while continuing on. "I chose Christina, so everyday I can see her and what she is doing. It was really hard to watch when she found out about my death, and it will be for you too. But first, who do you want to watch?" Without even taking a minute to think about the decision I blurt it out, "Tobias! Give me Tobias." He nods politely and walks towards a gray glass bowl. "Here he is Tris, be
brave." I feel chills run down my spine as I slowly walk across the room. I look straight into he bowl and there he is, Tobias is with Cara, Christina, and a few more people I can't see very well. Cara says something, and Christina drops to the ground crying. But Tobias is emotionless. In fact, all he is doing is standing still. And that scares me.

How is this so far? Please comment this is my first one😳 so... I'm probably not that great😅 anyway, I DO NOT OWN DIVERGENT; ALL OF THIS GOES TO VERONICA ROTH! If I wrote a certain book called divergent, I wouldn't even be writing this, I would probably be at the beach😂

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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