Unexpected sickness

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(Note from author: okay here's the deal I'm fully aware it doesn't work this way, so here's this fertilization of a egg may take place as soon as three minutes after sex or it may take up to five days. Now then that said implantation which is when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall occurs five to 10 days after fertilization, which means implantation can happen anywhere from 5 to 15 days after you had sex. Many ways now to test to see if your prego in the eggo to. This is something I needed to speed up for the story so Oikawa Tooru has super sperm soo it's like twilight he's like the Edward to your Bella! Sorry if you arnt a fan of twilight just a example! Thank you for reading!!)

N/N-chan! Iwa-chan!" The familiar voice that
makes your body stiffen. You have been this way for a while. Okay since yesterday. You and Oikawa became overly intimate. True their is a feeling of more than friendship there but you have both been avoiding that. Mainly because Oikawa already has a girlfriend. She's drop dead gorgeous and compared to your beautiful self she makes you look below average. You are ashamed of your self for having sex with Oikawa while he has a girlfriend but it was the most marvelous experience you have had in so long. Painful but marvelous.

Hajime growls in annoyance at his best friends voice. You smile slightly.

"Toruu-Kun~" now that voice makes you growl as your brother smirks at you.
"Ah~ Emi-chan~" Oikawa puts his arm around his girlfriend and continues to walk to the very table you and Hajime are sitting. You try to act causal not letting it bother you but once seated they had to kiss just hand too. Hajime gives you a soft reassuring smile. You begin to open your lunch. Normally it would look delicious but once opened you could smell it and your stomach churned.
"Ugh!" You got out of your set fast pushing people aside to make it to the bathroom thankfully you made it in a stall in time to vommit into the toilet. You hear a knock.
"F/N-San are you okay?" Your friend Saki asks with concern in her voice. You begin to answer when it hits you again and you back to ridding everything from your stomach.
"G-Gross" you say as the toilet automatically flushes.
"Unlock the door I have you a wet paper towel" Saki says softly. You do and her concerned look deepens. You take the wet paper town and wipe your mouth.

"I left my bag at the table. I have my toothbrush and toothpaste in there." You groan  

"Actually~" Saki holds up your bag.

"Oh my gosh thank you. Your a life savor." You grab it from her and find what you need. How happy you were that you could brush your teeth. Once finished you frown.
"I'm feeling sick again. I need to go to the nurse." You and Saki exit the restroom thankfully class has started and the halls are clear. You stop in front of the nurses office and knock.
"Come in." A feminine voice calls out. You and Saki enter. The nurse looks at you and frown in concern.
"Thank you Saki for bringing L/N-san here. Here take this slip to your teacher you should be excused from your absence." It's true Saki wanted to stay but she did as she was told.

"Vomiting out of nowhere at the site of food. Or vomiting period. You kids I sware." She guides you to the table. You haven't told her anything yet how would she know?

"Have you had sex with anyone recently.?" She asks you pale. The hell?

"It doesn't matter who you don't need to tell me that but you need to answer yes or no." The nurses voice became stern like a mothers. You give in and answer with a bush on your face.

"Y-Yes." You admit.

"How long ago?" She asks you close your eyes as you answer.

"Yesterday.." you look at the nurse questionably. Why would she be asking this?

"Did you use protection?" Your eyes widen. Oikawa never put on a condom you both were too caught up in it all. Sure you are on birth control but that doesn't garentee anything especially due to it's a shot. The nurse looks at your expression and gives a knowing smile. She walks to the counter in the back and grabs a pink box and makes her way back to you.
"Take this. You should go home. Matter a fact I'll drive you. I know you want to keep this to your self." She places her hand on your shoulder you only nod and follow her to her car.

When you get home you begin the test that will change your life.

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