Private Message

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Jack: Haolie wtf is going on?

Haolie: what do you mean?

Jack: between us!

Haolie: I don't know jack. You're the one that got pissed at me.

Jack: because you kept secrets from me

Haolie: I just don't like to talk about my adoption that's all

Jack: not just that but the fact that you also had a baby!

Haolie: how did you find out about that?

Jack: well one from that account but you said it was a false alarm. So I asked Holly about it and she said that you were actually pregnant.

Haolie: she told you?

Jack: yep

Haolie: omg! Jack it was all a mistake and I didn't tell you because I was scared you'd leave me.

Jack: I was never gonna leave you Haolie I was just pissed at the fact you never told me. I thought you could trust me

Haolie: I do, omg yes I do it's just something as big as that I thought it would put you off. I felt so guilty for the whole thing because I miss my real parents, now that baby has a new family and I might never see it again. It's a lot of pressure.

Jack: I know but I want you to know I'm here for you. I always have been x

Haolie: please can we just stop arguing now? X

Jack: yeah, let's just forget about it ok? X

Haolie: ok x

Jack: I love you

Haolie: I love you too

Jack: can you come over?

Haolie: babe I'm already on my way 😂

Jack: hey don't text and drive!!!!

Haolie: ok I'll see you soon x

Jack: I'll be waiting ;)

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