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*Third person POV*
Carlos sighed as he tapped his pen, nothing new was happening in nightvale and he was bored.....Cecil wasn't even doing his broadcast today..... (It was Friday but still) "Sir?"  He was snapped out of his thoughts by one of his fellow scientists Rachelle "Yes?" He mumbled as he rubbed his face "We have a new hypothesis that should cure everyone's boredom! We just need a test subject and your approval!" Rachelle exclaimed with a smile "It depends on the experiment is and who you plan on using," He said as he got up to stretch "Ok well....this is going to sound odd but....we were all talking about how fast the people of nightvale can move, sort of like cats, and well.....we want to see if they can purr like cats...." Rachelle mumbled "Nevermind it's stupid...." "No....that sounds interesting.....but who would we use?" Carlos said as he thought about the possibilities "Well we would want to use a test subject who is comfortable with the person that pets them so we were thinking that you could pet him and maybe Cecil could be the one being pet...." Rachelle whispered nervously. Carlos sighed and picked up a nearby phone "We can use him as long as no harm comes his way, I'll call him," He dialed as Rachelle grinned and ran off to tell the others, "Hello?" Cecil's rich soothing voice answered, Carlos sighed as he thought how he would word this "Hi Cecil, I was wondering if you would like to come down to the lab and help us out with a quick experiment?" He heard a little squeak on the other line 'That's adorable' Carlos thought with a blush "Anything for you sweet Carlos!" He swooned "I'll be right there!" And then he hung up....."Alright he'll do it, he's coming down right now," He called into the room where everyone else was setting up for the test 'hope he let's us do this....' Carlos thought as he helped set up.
*literally 2 minutes later*
"I'm here Carlos!" Cecil said as he bounced in "Ah Cecil good good! If you're ready to begin then please sit behind the glass dome," Carlos said as he ran a last check that everything was in working order (There wasn't much to check except that everyone had clipboards and the microphones were in proper shape) "Ok!" Cecil said as he opened the door and walked inside. Carlos sighed 'Well here goes nothing' he thought as he followed Cecil inside and stood behind him "Have a seat," Carlos said while motioning to the chair in front of them, Cecil nodded as he sat down "So what kind of experiment is this?" He squeaked as Carlos laid his hand on Cecil's head "Don't worry its very simple and will take less than an hour, now please just sit back and relax Cecil," Carlos mumbled as Rachelle gave him a thumbs up to start the test. Carlos sighed as he slowly began to pet Cecil's hair and very gently scratch behind his ears, He could feel Cecil tense up and he sighed "Cecil you need to relax I'm not going to hurt you I promise,Shh just relax...." he heard Cecil sigh and just tense up more...."Hang on Cecil...." he mumbled as he walked out "Ok this isn't working...." He said with a sigh "Well maybe you need more physical contact?" Rachelle mumbled thoughtfully "What kind of physical contact?" Carlos asked with a squint "Oh for God's sakes put him in your lap or something man just get him comfortable enough to let you pet him," another scientist named Dave piped up with a glare. Carlos sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked back in, He sighed and walked back in "Sorry about that Cecil I had to-...Cecil what's wrong?" He asked as he looked up to see Cecil tearing up. He walked over and bend down on one knee in front of where Cecil was and began cooing softly as Cecil began to cry silently "Oh Cecil no no shhh what's wrong Hmm?" He cooed as he wiped away cecil's tears and gently petting his hair "I just...I just....I messed up....I'm sorry...." He whispered in a tear choked voice "Oh no no Cecil you're doing so well! We just need to slightly change positions okay? Shhh it's okay you've done nothing wrong! Shh shh shhh....there we go....Shh..." He mumbled as gently shifted Cecil out of the chair and into his lap as he quickly sat down before Cecil could protest or struggle, Not wanting to scare him any further he gently hugged him close and cuddled the confused little Cecil cooing at him gently, Cecil didn't fight or struggle or even keep crying he just sat there 'Probably trying to process the fact that he's in my lap....and I'm cuddling him' Cecil just laid there for a good 5 minutes before he slowly relaxed into Carlos's hold and laid his head on Carlos's shoulder "I'm okay..." Cecil mumbled "You can finish the test...." Carlos nodded and slowly started petting the blondes hair again soothingly while mumbling condolences and apologies for startling him, he just kept petting him and talking to him. He chuckled after the promised hour was up and whispered into Cecil's ear "I guess it was pretty silly to think that the people of nightvale could purr huh?" Cecil looked up at Carlos with big eyes "That's all you wanted?" He asked with a pout "You could have just asked y'know," "So you CAN Purr?" Carlos asked getting excited again 'what could it sound like? How does he emit such a sound?' Cecil smirked "I can for a kiss," Carlos squinted at him "Why a kiss? Why not like....a hug or something?" "Well," Cecil mumbled "I personally can only purr when I'm truly happy and I know getting a kiss from the perfect Carlos would make me VERY happy, perhaps happy enough to emit purring! But I do warn you-" Carlos for once in his life didn't wait for all the facts before doing something....he just did it....he just kissed the lovely little Cecil....and it was amazing....he tasted like strawberries and honey, His lips were smooth and his mouth was comfortably warm (In short he was perfect) Carlos smirked and was about to comment about it when he heard it....it was unlike a cats purring but at the same time it...was?... it was deeper and calmer than a cat's but....it was....god he could barely describe it...it was beautiful...he snapped his eyes up to the team and mouthed "Record this" Dave nodded and hit the record button on the microphones until he had enough for a ringtone or something. He motioned for Dave to stop recording and Dave complied, He smiled down at the Beautiful Cecil who was still purring in his arms with his eyes closed and snuggled into his chest, "Ok Cecil the test is done I have to get up now," Carlos said as he shifted "No," Cecil snapped "No?" Carlos asked with a frown "No," Cecil said shaking his head "Cecil Hun you have to let me go," Carlos said with a chuckle "Nooooooo," Cecil whined "Ok then you asked for it," Carlos said as he wrapped his arms under Cecil being careful to support him and stood up. He carried Cecil bridal style(Cecil quickly clung to his neck instinctively) to the door and opened it and stepped though, He looked at his team and said "I want the recording I know you've been taking the entire time, I also want all of you to go home, It's been a long day for all of us. I'll call you if I need you but for now get me any and all recordings of today and go home," He said as he carefully shifted Cecil in his arms "I'm taking Cecil home," Everyone nodded and handed forward all the tapes that had been taken from the last hour and a half and gathered all Thier things to leave. Carlos grabbed a few things and walked out with Cecil falling asleep in his arms....

Night vale Cecil x Carlos one shots Where stories live. Discover now