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(Pete's POV)
When I woke up I was in a huge room with a big window on the roof. I looked around a bit until I saw Patrick with Afton behind him. His hands were behind him so I guessed he was tied up. I also saw that Afton had a knife out and that made really worried about Patrick's safety and I was about to say something but Afton spoke up.

" Welcome Peter to the final test. In this test you will only have one thing to do, and that is to choose your answer to my question, easy enough right?" He said with a very creepy smile. He then pulled Patrick to his left side and held the knife to his throat. I glared at him " don't you dare hurt Patrick" I growled. If anyone wanted to hurt him they would have to go through me first.

" Alright here is how this is going to go down. In your pocket you will find a little bottle with a pill inside. If you take the pill without question I won't hurt nor kill anyone of your friends. Don't and say goodbye to your precious Patrick Stump" he said leaning his head against Patrick's. " So what will it be?" He asked then suddenly the door on the cage unlocked somehow. I walked out and looked in my pocket and like he said there was a bottle in there. I stared at it for a bit before looking at Patrick with a small smile on my face. I could see him slightly shacking his head at me with tears threatening to spill. I knew what was going to happen if I took the pill, I said I would give up my life for my friends. I guess Afton wanted me to prove it. So I will.

I looked at the bottle again taking the cap off and shaking the pill out and onto my hand. It was a small white and yellow pill. A cyanide pill. He wanted me to commit suicide. I eyed the pill scared that I had to take it but to save my friends I would do anything. " If I'm going to die soon can I say a last goodbye to my friends?" I said hoping Afton would have some kind of decency. He smiled. " I suppose why not. Bonnie bring the others down here" he said and with that the purple bunny behind him started walking to where I supposed Joe and Andy where.

After a bit of waiting Andy and Joe walked through a door and immediately charged towards me. I put the pill back into the bottle so they couldn't try and take it from me. I knew they would try and stop me but I had to....for them. I looked over at Afton to see him cutting the rope that tied Patrick's hands together and lightly pushing him towards me. I was to preoccupied with it that I didn't notice Andy and Joe crashing into me pulling me into a death grip, I hugged back. I could see Patrick walking to me while they were hugging me. After a while Andy and Joe let go of me at the same time as Patrick got close enough. He looked like he was going to cry. I was going to say something but he immediately pulled me into a hug clinging onto me. I now noticed he was shaking and I hugged him back with a smile in my face.

" Please Pete don't do this " Patrick cried out. It pained me to see him like this. " It's going to be okay Trick. You'll still have Andy and Joe with you. I'll be fine, please stay strong for me okay?" I said. Patrick sobbed onto my shoulder for a while whispering " Please don't" over and over again while I rubbed his back trying to sooth him. Eventually he let go of me wiping off his tears with his jacket sleeve. His fedora was slightly crooked so I fixed it for him. I looked over at Joe and Andy. They were both trying not to cry. " You''re a great friend Pete you always have been and we'll miss you" Andy said looking at me. "Yeah like Andy said. But I just want you to know that Fall Out Boy will never be the same without you. WE will never the same without you" Joe said. " Are you boys done with your goodbyes? I hate being patient " Afton said looking annoyed.

I pulled out the pill again and putt the bottle in my pocket. I looked at my friends and smiled. " Goodbye guys I love you all so much. Joe, Andy take care of my Patrick for me?" They nodded " Patrick stay strong, after this they'll probably let you all go so please don't try and stop me" I pleaded. He eventually nodded looking down slightly. I looked at the pill and without a second thought swallowed it whole. I immediately felt pain shoot through my body and I could barely see anything. I felt my knees give up and I fell to ground. The last thing I saw was Patrick struggling to get out of Andy and Joe's grip trying to get to me. I smiled and took my last breath. Then I felt nothing and everything was black.

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