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"Okay the kids are asleep!" Said Ally she is Emilio, Jasper, and Alina's mom.

"Okay who wants some wine?" Pattie asked

"Um Florence can you drink? You seem really young." Gina asked

"Oh I'm flattered but I'm twenty, so yes I can." I smiled

"Well you can drink here when you're nineteen, but not legally in the US? Am I right dear?" Bruce asked

"Correct." I said

Pattie poured me a glass of wine which I gladly accepted.

"Justin would you like a beer?" Ryan asked while popping one open for himself and Chaz.

"Sure bro." Justin said

We all sat and drank and talked about our lives.

Justin helped Ryan start up the bonfire.

It was just a regular summer night.

I sat on Justin's lap while his arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close.

"So Florence tell us about yourself." Pattie smiled

"Well um I'm twenty years old. I am from Los Angeles. I attend online college at USC. I work at a music shop downtown Los Angeles. Oh and my bestfriend name is Andy." I said

"Wow college student and why do you do online?" Ryan asked

"It's easier." I laughed

"Well you live in LA why don't you go to school on campus?" Asked Chaz

"I have terrible anxiety when it comes to a lot of people. I don't really like school setting. My parents homeschooled me for quite a while." I said shyly.

"Well you're parents did the right thing, a bright girl like you got accepted to USC." Pattie commented

Justin squeezed my waist and kissed my neck.

He was so much taller than me. I'm so much tiny compare to him especially since I'm sitting on his lap.

Chaz came out with a guitar. "Hey Justin why don't you use your old friend and sing some tunes." He said

"Ah Chaz you always know how to have a great time." Diane laughed.

I hopped off Justin's lap and sat next to him. He accepted the guitar from Chaz.

"This is my very first guitar. My moms friend gave it to me when I was six years old. It's not a lefty but I still can play it." He laughed

"I can go get your lefty it's in our room." Bruce said.

"That would be great pops." Justin said

"Here I'll go out your guitar away." Said Chaz

"It's okay I will, I want to show Florence my childhood room." He said getting up

He took my hand and motioned me to follow him.

We walked into his room that had the Toronto maple leafs wallpaper and bedding.

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