Chapter One - A Prank Gone Wrong

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The members of SHINee gathered around a table, exhausted yet excited that they had finished recording for their new album 'Sherlock', which they were eagerly waiting to be released.They all had comfortable tracks on, their hair were complete messes and their eyes were hazy with fatigue. But they seemed alive and happy. They sat around a table,all with smiles on their faces except for Onew who had decided now was the best time for a power nap, he had his jacket thrown over his head and was sinking into his chair, his snores nearly deafening everyone around him.

Key shot him a dirty look, Taemin smiled and Minho shook his head. 

SHINee had gathered around a table, discussing the final details for their upcoming album 'Sherlock'. The members wore comfortable tracks, their hair fell limply across their eyes and their eyes were hazy with fatigue. Yet, each member seemed to be bubbling with badly contained excitement. Tired smiles were fixed onto their faces as they watched the MV one last time before it would be released. Well, except for Onew who had decided that it was the perfect time for a power nap, his jacket was thrown over his head, his snores resounded around the studio, deafening everyone around him. 

Jonghyun's eyes widened and he nodded his head. "Good idea" He smiled, before throwing his own jacket over his head. Within moments he was also snoring soundly.

Key rolled his eyes, "These hyungs, such old men"

"Let them sleep Key hyung I'm sure they are tired" Taemin said, holding back a smile at Key who was also obviously also tired.

Minho stood up and brushed a hand through his hair in an attempt to make it look less like he had just been electrocuted ten times. Once he was satisfied, he nodded as if he had gotten an idea and shook Onew and Jonghyun awake much to their displeasure.

"Two more minutes and I'll be up I promise!" cried Onew who was clinging to his chair, refusing to get up.

Jonghyun dragged himself up, and shrugged his shoulders. "I wasn't even sleeping, Just wanted to annoy you guys" He said grinning mischievously.

Key narrowed his eyes at him. "You are so weird....."

"Jonghyun punched him playfully on the arm and scoffed. "You know you love it" 

He took a step away from him and shot him a glare. "You wish"

 "Looks like someone didn't get their beauty sleep"Jonghyun said, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Go wake up Onew" He ordered ignoring Jonghyun's remark completely.

He grinned, knowing he had struck a nerve. "What ever you say"

Minho cleared his throat causing them all to turn except Onew who had dozed off again.

"Why don't we go eat out to celebrate?" He asked, brushing a strand of hair that had fallen over his face away.

Taemin shot up. "Great idea, hyung"

"Fine, but I'm not paying" Key said grumbling.

Jonghyun nodded in agreement.He slowly edged closer to Onew who was still fast asleep and  pulled off the jacket shaking him awake before quickly darting next to Key, pulling an innocent face. Onew jumped up startled, looking around in confusion. "Wha- Where's my jacket? Who woke me up" He moaned.

Jonghyun pointed a finger accusingly at Key. "I told him to leave you alone but he wouldn't listen"

"But anyway since you're awake,  we're going to eat out" Jonghyun continued quickly before he dozed back to sleep.

Onew snuggled back into the comfortable chair. "Bring me back some chicken"  He mumbled before closing his eyes and drifting off again.

"That's it" Key grumbled "Time to play dirty"

Jonghyun nodded and smirked. "You got it"

Key called the rest of SHINee into a huddle, they whispered quietly swapping ideas and strategies. Anyone watching from outside would have thought they were crazy, a group of four huddling together while one was dead asleep, but then again they were the crazy and fun SHINee, so maybe it was to be expected.


Taemin screamed in pain and fell to the floor, blood pouring from a deep wound on his arm. He clutched his arm, crying out in pain as more blood flowed out of the gash. Onew jumped up from his sleep, he opened his mouth about to shout at whoever had woken him but froze dead in his tracks when he saw Taemin in a pool of blood. He froze for a few seconds, then let out a startled shout.

"TAEMIN WHAT HAPPENED?, YOU'RE DYING OH MY GOD CALL THE AMBULANCE, CALL THE MANAGER" Onew yelled, hysterically running around the room in panic.

He shot to Taemin and grabbed his jacket, tying it around his arm to stop the bleeding. Blood covered Onew's hands and he stared at them in shock. His eyes shot around the room, dread filled him when he realised he was the only one in the room, with the slowly fading Taemin.

"Helpp me they--" Taemin broke off, going into a coughing fit.

Onew jumped up again but forced the hysterical fit away and sat back down. "I'm calling the ambulance don't worry" He said still shouting, deafening Taemin who was right next to him.

He pulled out his phone, dialing hurriedly. His shaking fingers, repeatedly pressed the wrong buttons and Onew exploded  "WHY WON'T IT WORK!" He cursed when he realized the phone wasn't even turned on.

"Hyung, I-I think I'm dying" He spluttered, his eyes going misty and far away.

"Goodbye " He whispered before succumbing to the darkness weighing down on him, his eyes closed slowly and his blood drenched body, stopped moving and went limp.

Onew sat still for a few moments, unable to move. He shook Taemin's shoulder, willing him to wake up.

"Taemin wake up" Onew choked. He stopped when he realized he was gone and bit his lip till it split, forcing himself not to cry.

"Why is everything going dark......." Onew breathed as his eyes rolled back into his head and he keeled over collapsing onto  the floor, lying next to the bloody Taemin.


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