Perfect Imperfections

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Today was prom. I know. I was panicking about what to wear, sure, I had bought a dress which I thought was perfect at the time but now, I was second guessing it.

What if people didn't like it? I would be the laughing stock of the entire school.

More importantly, what would Nick say? The only reason I was going was for him.

And the fact that I was the 'Queen Bee' of Hilden High.

Literally. Worst. Job. Ever.

I mean it was great to have the privilege of getting away with murder, but still. It was like everyone worshipped you. Students would scramble to hold my books for me, or, open doors for me like I was some sort of goddess. I really wasn't. Sure, my parents were filthy rich, and I was popular, but that didn't change the fact that I was human. I was some perfect little princess who knew what to do every second of every day.

I made mistakes too, but apparently, I wasn't supposed to.

Anyways, crisis at hand. Nick was your average quarterback. Everyone kissed his feet too.

Apparently, the two most popular students in the school have to date. It was really only for show, we couldn't stand the sight of eachother. But he needed people to think he was perfect, when deep down I knew he wasn't.

Also, he needed me to look like I was worth being his girlfriend. He pretty much slapped it in my face. The truth was, I didn't care if I was with him or not.

Let's get back on track.

So, I have one hour to get ready for this stupid dance that only looks good in movies and fairy tales.

The gorgeous red dress that Nick had chosen for me looked like something people wore at weddings. It was itchy, uncomfortable and extremely annoying. And it was way too short for my liking. Seriously, it was just long enough to cover my behind, but I'm pretty sure if I sat down I would end up flashing somebody.

So, here I was staring at a dress that I didn't even like, going to a dance I couldn't be bothered with, with a face full of makeup that just made me look fake. What was I supposed to do?

Lock myself in my room until Nick gives up on me? Nah. That's harsh.

I looked at myself in myself in my full length mirror. Currently, I was just wearing my plain oversized jumper that had 'I'm perfectly imperfect' written in block capitals on it, with my black leggings under it. My hair was in a messy bun, ready to be styled into an intricate braid.

Can I just say my makeup did not go with this 'stay at home' look? So, without thinking twice, I reached out for a makeup wipe and wiped my face clean, until all I could see was the true me.

Staring back at me was the young girl who was too scared to be judged. The girl who wanted people to like her for who she was inside, not for her popularity, the girl, whose heart was pure and kind, not full of malice and hatred.

I liked that girl. I wanted to show everyone I was that girl.

First, I decided to call up Nick, I couldn't go to prom with him if I wanted to be me.

Oh, he was livid. He cursed me, screamed profanities at me, shouted at me some more, promised me I would deserve what was coming my way. Eventually, when he had stopped screaming, and the line had went silent, I told him it was time to break up, and that we would never work. Well, at least he agreed on that, but he said he had broken up with me first. I was okay with that, as long as he was out of my life.

Now that everything toxic was out of my life, what was I supposed to do? I was going to show the world that embracing who you are isn't a crime.

Rushing downstairs, thanking the heavens that my parents weren't home, I put my sneakers on, ready to present the world who the true May Pacifico was.

I grabbed my car keys, and locked the front door behind me, getting in the car with no hesitation whatsoever, for the first time in my life. For once, I wasn't scared to be judged by anyone, or anything. Why should I even care what people think of me, if I'm happy with myself.

Driving to school with a new found confidence, I turned on my radio, belting out the lyrics to the 'Fight Song'. It was perfect at that moment, boosting me further up to new heights. Pedestrians on the street stared at me weirdly, but I didn't care anymore. I was finally free. I was finally me.

As I started parking, I noticed how full the car park was, it seemed as if I would be one of the last students to arrive. Always the fashionably late one. Giving myself a small pep talk, I finally got out of my car ready to feel the full wrath of Hildon High School.

Once I entered the building, I could hear the faint music coming from the gymnasium and I followed it, the trickle of pupils outside stared at me with wonder and shock. I ignored them and walked inside passing through the students who had stopped to stare, and walked straight up to the stage. It was time.

"Hey guys. Most of you must be wondering why I showed up to prom looking like this. I have one answer. This is me. I'm not the girl who carelessly breaks others, I'm not the girl who deserves better than any of you, not the girl you should be scared of. I am your friend, I am your sister. I am human. Finally I'm embracing it. I found my inner beauty."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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