Jan. 10, 2014 - Changes

8 1 0

Well now that everything is explained we need to continue to the present

Sr. Martin "As you can see there are...."

Ugh so boring why do we even need to know about animals and other stuff? I wish something to happen, anything...

Sr. M "So class, Science has given a lot of improvement to human his--"

"ground rumbles"

YES!!! My wish came true ^_^

Sr. M "Okay everyone just keep calm mind and walk to the stadium"

*door opens*

*a group somes inside*

OMG who are those people they look like people from the Dauntless**

Mystery Guy 1: Okay students everyone calm down, don't go anywhere we only need her *points to me*

O_O what???

Me: Uhmm...Why exactly?

Mystery Girl: "Oh just stand up and come with us"

Welp I think it's time to say goodbye to my regular life ^_^

So now I am being dragged down by people I don't know to a place in school I also don't know

Ain't I just the luckiest girl ever?

Me: "Where are we going?"

Mystery Guy 1: "SHHHHH! Somewhere hidden so we can talk" he whispered 

They dragged me to a room which I think is a sophomore's classroom

Me: "Uhhh so What do you want?"

Mystery Boy 1: "First things, first, Introductions" he exclaims

Me: "Okay...I'm Saman--"

Mystery Guy 1: "Ohh It's okay we already know all about you I was talking about us so the name's Joshua Sanderson, but you can just call me Josh" *greeting me with a smile and giving me his hand*

Me: *shakes hand* *blushes*

Mystery Girl: "Okay Josh that's enough flirting, Hi I'm Emily Miliana also you can just call me Emy" 

Me: "Nice meeting you"

Mystery Guy 2: "Finally my turn, I'm Zacharias Seams and please just call me Zack" *puppy dog eyes*

me: *giggles* okay :D

Josh: "Okay now time for business just follow us at the court, don't go anywhere unless we tell you and please don't do anything rash"

When we get there I see a Huge Monster's back and it seems to be looking at an electric post, it seems curious about it.The Monster is about 30 ft. tall and it has so bulky arms and has only one eye like a Cyclops***

Josh: "Everyone into Battle Position Alpha-2!" He shouts


**-A faction form the Divergent series. It's Main Color is Black and the people there have tatoos and piercings and are usually brave

***-A one-eyed creature that is very tall and is seen in Greek Mythologies and is also seen in the Percy Jackson series and it's sequel

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