The Mining Dead Part 13 (A Friend in Need)

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It's a survivor... A survivor calling us... Maybe calling for help... I need to let everyone in Altera know about this... I'll have to call this... I need to... It's to help another... or... I might be helping an enemy... Hoping for this person that I'm calling is going to be friendly... I hope...

Yama: Yes? Is this another survivor?

???: Yes! This is another survivor!

Yama: Where are you guys at?

*Connor starts to listen closely to the person talking*

???: We were forced to leave Atlanta, and now we are trying to survive!

Yama: What happened in Atlanta?

???: Well... it wasn't pretty... but everyone... sorta died... and became one of "them"...

Yama: Omg... The entire Atlanta?!

???: Pretty much... any survivors left behind in Atlanta is probably gonna die... there is way to many of "them"... 

???: *Starts to question their group* 

Connor: *whispers into Yama's ear* Did you tell them who they are?

Yama: *whispers back* No... I haven't yet... I'll tell them...

???: Sorry about that... I was questioning my group about something...

Yama: About what?...

???: About where you guys are

Yama: *whispers to Connor* Should I tell them where we are?

Connor: *sighs and whispers* Make sure that they are safe...

Yama: *nods her head and continues* Alright... I'll tell you where we are... until you tell me if you guys are hostile

???: We aren't hostile, we just survived a huge horde in Atlanta! How can we be hostile?

Yama: You guys have weapons to shoot at us

???: I only have a weapon, the others here don't have a weapon

Yama: Are you sure? If so, I'll tell you where we are and you better give up your weapon

???: We will do so anyways, so tell me where you guys are at!

Yama: Alright we are Altera the one nearby... *continues saying the rest to ???*

*Alex comes in to check on Yama and Connor*

Alex: Well, Lil sis is callin someone huh?

Connor: Yeah, we are getting new survivors to our base

Alex: Ok... but are they friendly or not?

Connor: I'm sure that Yama has this under control, she is really focused on the phone

Alex: First time ever seeing lil sis talk on the phone so seriously!

*Yama looks back at Alex with an mad look and turns away*

Alex: Hehe, anyways I'll be waiting outside if you guys need me

Connor: Alright

*Yama still talking to ???*

Yama: Anyways... what is your name?

???: My name is Lill, and I thank you for your kindness, Yama

Yama: You're welcome, and I want to see you like right now, Lill

Lill: Sam Yama, anyways I'll be at Altera, see you soon!

Yama: See you then! *turns off the phone*

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