Chatper eon prlouge

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  A gra cta an a tabbie locked in a pol. Theyre eys where brite. The gra catt locked at teh tabbi tum. "DERE IS A PORPHESY" she announceded. "THA SHAA HARTED CATTE WIL STAHP TEH FLUFFY DAMGRE TAT HUNTS TEH FREST". "Wat does it mean doh Yellofag"teh tabbi askd her. "It menns tat ShaaKit wil be dah bestest, Raggsar." She riplied. "Gasp" gaspeded Raggsar. "Shuld we tel Jayfethre he asked." "Si" sad Yellofag an se wlked of 2 tel him.

  BUT A DRAK FORREST KAT WHAS LISENETING. "Nu, Dangre an Fluffeh wil RISE" he whispereded.

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