Chapter 8, where the waitress is important

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I know what you're thinking, That one waitress who tried to get with John? She wasn't a story filler? That's right, I was actually planning something!!
Shoutout to everyone who has commented on my story (( LivHamiltrash BellaTheShippingGod hammyton1776 Lam-a-clock @TheGreatPapyrus27 ))
Again, thank you for 500 reads and I'm so sorry this took me so long
How do colleges work? Who the frick knows...
Warning for slight-sorta intrusive thoughts and some cussing

John Laurens pov

I strode through the halls to my first class-history.
Unfortunately Alex's class was in the other direction so he wasn't walking with me, I shook my head, John stop it. It's not like he feels anything for you.
I sighed and glanced down at my map again, I had been there about a week, but I still hadn't memorized where everything was. Though I blamed that partly on how Alex was always on my mind.
That's when I bumped into someone-distracted by thinking of me thinking of him, brilliant-which caused me to rip my map in half and for them to drop the books they were holding. We tumbled onto each other, they ended up right above me, their hands right beside my head and their face and other parts just a bit too close for comfort.
They quickly rolled away (splashing my face with their long straight brown hair) and sat up, I did too, and began gathering their books.
"I'm so sorry! I want looking," I explained, and held out their books; that's when I finally actually looked at them. They were the waitress from the coffee shop Aaron had taken us to.
The one that left me their phone number.
She was blushing, and I couldn't help but notice that their leg was brushing against my own.
"No, no, I'm sorry. I ripped your map..." She took their books while nodding to the map of the halls.
"It's fine..." I whispered standing and holding out my hand to help them up. She took it graciously and smiled at me.
I nodded and stepped back, looking down.
"Uh... I could help you to your classes today-just until you get a new map that is," she hurried to add.
"Um... Yah, sure I guess... What's your name?" I asked politely, wondering if she had recognized me as well.
"Martha. John, right?" ((Did you see what I did there?!?!?!? Martha-the woman the historical John Laurens was married to *finger guns* aren't I clever)) she asked titling her head to the side and looking me dead in the eyes. Yep she remembered.
"Yes," I whispered. "History is my first class." I looked up, she was smiling.
"Right this way."

Time skip brought to you by a gay alien. (Lol no, not me, I'm not gay. I'm talking bout a friend of mine. They don't have a wattpad I'm afraid)

It was my lunch break-1:30. Which meant I could finally go get a new map. Which was good because I was really getting freaked out by the way Martha kept looking at me.
She just had to take me to the office then we could part ways.
As we walked in I tumbled into someone shorter than me.
Luckily we both caught ourselves before we fell.
I looked down, my mouth already apologizing. I faltered, it was Alex.
He smiled up at me and I felt myself grinning too.
"Well, if it isn't my dear Johnny Boi, we haven't seen each other since morning. Couldn't really wait any longer to see me?" He winked and his smile widened at my blush.
"No, actually, we're here cause he ripped his map and needs a new one," growled Martha putting extra emphasis on 'we're', and grabbed my hand.
Alex looked behind me at Martha, then at our hands and his smile faltered. "Ah, you're the waitress that gave John her phone number," his voice turned  sour and he stepped out from in front of me. He kept his head down as he mumbled, "Sorry to interrupt." Martha pulled me forward and Alex ran out behind us.
I wanted to smack Martha. What the heck gave her the right to be rude to Alex. I grabbed a map off the front desk and pulled Martha out of the office. Then I looked her in the eyes.
"What was that?" I asked my lips pressed tightly into a frown.
She made a confused look, "What? You, mean when I got that friend of yours to go away and stop flirting with you?"
"First off, he wasn't flirting. Second, you hurt his feelings! Who the fuck gave you the right to talk like that to my friend?!? You were being rude!" I cried, my fists clenched so tightly I was worried I might have to grab another map.
Martha stepped closer to me, "I'm-" but I never heard the rest because I had ran in the other direction to find Alex.

Alex pov

Ran through the halls, tears spilling onto my cheeks.
Of course he's straight. Why wouldn't he be? And of course he went for the waitress, anyone logical would. I thought of Saturday. Of us lying next to each other giggling and smiling so much our cheeks hurt. I thought that meant something... I thought that he...
I tumbled into the library, perfect, almost no one was ever in here and anyone who was wouldn't care enough to follow me or see what's wrong.
I ran until I was in a corner then I collapsed and started full on sobbing.
No one could ever love you. That's why your dad left.

Sorry guys, I'm gonna end it there-with a cliff hanger!! Because writers block and I'm tired.

Laurens, I like you a lot Hamilton College AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя