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A/N: Yoyoyo hey again! It's your writer Panda here with another ficy! The cover was drawn by me, and I'll be adding in some amazing art by my best friend as well soon, so keep an eye out! This story has been on my mind for a while now and that's because of a head-cannon i made up where Gon learned to play the flute on Whale Island and Killua's horrendous family sent him to take piano lessons. I also want to point out that in this fic Killua hates playing the piano due to his families influences and manipulating, but he's naturally drawn to it because he feels that's where he can best express himself; through music. Ok enough ranting, I'm sure half of you have skipped over this anyway, so, without further ado...! Let the story commence!


It was a fiery hot day, sun beating down on the earth with a raging fury, determined to make all in its humid rays suffer. Yes, that was how Gon saw it, the sun's endless rage towards the little inhabitants of Earth, trying to wipe out the entire species with it vicious heat. It's not that he particularly minded the warmth, in fact, he quite enjoyed the feeling of being engulfed in the sun's lovely hug, it enticed him to explore the soft grass fields, or to wander about the muddy groves of trees after a freshly fallen rain. However, today, he just wasn't feeling all that pumped about it.

"Mito-saaan," Gon's whining tone dragged his aunt's name. "All of my friends live here! I don't want to leave them! Zushi was looking forward to finally joining my high school this year too. Can't I stay and help him with his studies?" He begged. It was his last fruitless attempt to get his aunt to let him stay on the island. Mito scoffed, "Gon, I love you but, you don't study. Also, you're 15, and Zushi is way better at turning in assignments and actually doing the work instead of taking an hour break at every five minute interval. As much as I want you to stay, you've been begging me since you were little to go to this new school because it's where your elusive father went. You're going to go, and you're going to like it!" She finished, stuffing the last of Gon's luggage into the dark trunk of the taxi that was parked outside their quaint little house.

With a defeated sigh at Mito's, "don't argue with me or you'll get it" look, Gon set down his flute case and wrapped his arms around his Aunt's middle, hugging her tightly. He did want to go to this new school, but he knew that keeping in contact with his Aunt would be hard, and it would be nearly impossible to stay in touch with his friends since this school was a boat ride, plus a few states away from where he was currently settled. Mito looked down at him sadly as he buried his face in her collar, Gon's aunt hugging him back just as tightly. Even after all these years, the boy was still shorter than her, and it made Mito want to protect him even more, hide him away from the cruelty of the world, shelter him in her arms. But he was going away now and there was nothing she could do. Gon's first day of school was in two days, and he was welcomed with open arms after breezing past the entrance exam with little to no effort, despite his incapability to do work.

Gon sensed the worry in Mito's hug and looked up at her with a small smile, reassuring her that he would be fine wherever he went, and that he would do his best to send her letters every month. With a final glance back at the welcoming wooden door to his home, Gon waved to his aunt and slipped into the relaxing smell of the taxi seats. The young teen shut the heavy door of the car and shimmied out of his bright yellow backpack, setting both the bag and his flute on the seat next to him as he fastened himself down, a small click being heard as the latch snapped into place with the buckle. Once Gon triple-checked everything he'd brought in his head, he gave the driver a thumbs up and they were off.

The drive was fairly uneventful, but that wasn't really a surprise. The driver was quiet, and the only sound that he made the entire trip was when he was laughing at Gon's antics. Said boy ended up sleeping for the last hour of the drive, filling the quiet car with his tired snores. Amber eyes fluttered open when the car slowed to a stop near the docks, and the scent of spraying saltwater invaded his nostrils, fogging over the heady odor of leather in the taxi. Gon nearly jumped out of his seat when he saw the large ship in the distance, its sails billowing in the light breeze, and the ropes dangling over the little people settled on board.

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