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(King Leonidas brings together his best men, Solon, Eusebius, Ozal, Ixas, kucuk and Belo to go to the quest of killing the kraken. In the weaponry, the Spartans get themselves ready for the quest while Hebe tries to convince general Draco why she must join them.)

DRACO: keep your distance Hebe..
HEBE: we should head to the Norn mountain, seek the Stygian witches, they'll give us a possible solution on how to defeat the kraken.. (Draco stops and turns to Hebe)
DRACO: if you can keep up, fine. And note: there's no extra food for you.(he walks to Alexio)...hey demigod
ALEXIO: It's Alexio
DRACO: does it matter?.. you seem all determined to do this, finally accepting your god hood.(Alexio stops tightening his armor and turns to Draco)
ALEXIO: I'm doing this as a man. That's what I am.
DRACO: wait, let me get this straight...the kraken is an aggressive and colossal beast, a god born. And want to do this as a man?
ALEXIO: don't come.
DRACO: sorry to disappoint you, we have our orders.
ALEXIO: then don't complain...Draco.
DRACO: its general.
ALEXIO: does it matter?. (He walks away)

(Princess Andrea meets with Alexio in the weaponry)

ALEXIO: princess..
ANDREA: do you have to do this.
ALEXIO: justice for my family, yes..I want to.
ANDREA: my maids found your sister.
ALEXIO: Aria... She's..
ANDREA: she's fine. She's ok.
ALEXIO: princess, please...
ANDREA: I know..she's safe with me.
(Draco announces)
DRACO: it's time! We must go.
ANDREA: godspeed soldier.
ALEXIO: I guess there's no luck from the gods any more..

(The Spartans begin their journey to the norn mountain. In the underworld hades releases a demon, calibos.)

HADES: King Acrisius.
CALIBOS There is no Acricius! Just Calibos!
HADES: We have a enemy in common, Zeus.
HADES: My brother.
CALIBOS: What do you want from me?
HADES: Zeus is seed in your wife survived. The child of your shame. Alexio
CALIBOS: He lives?
HADES: You murdered your wife for nothing, now Alexio matches with the Spartans to destroy me. He must die.
CALIBOS: What would you have me do?
HADES: Zeus must think I serve him but I am growing stronger. Until I possess my full power, you will be my weapon. Use this! (He breathes in power into calibos) Kill Alexio for me and I'll destroy Zeus for you.
CALIBOS: I serve you. The boy will die!

(The Spartans camp for the night in the woods. Alexio brings fish for the squad)

SOLON: indeed he's the son of a fisherman (they all laugh as one of the soldiers cooks the fish)
ALEXIO: father taught me real good.(draco picks up two swords)
DRACO: demigod... Get up.(as Alexio stands up, Draco throws a sword to him)
ALEXIO: now what..
DRACO:defend your self!

(Draco gives Alexio his first battle lesson although Alexio disarms him.)

DRACO: there's a god in you. Be sure to bring it.(Alexio drops his sword and walks away).

(Wandering about the woods, Alexio finds a glowing blade on the ground, be picks it up)

DRACO: a gift from the gods.
ALEXIO: I don't need it.(he throws it to Draco and walks away. The blade stops glowing with draco holding it)
DRACO: a god blade. He's so lucky. Gentlemen, retrieve our savior. (He talks mockingly. Belo and another soldier goes to find Alexio)

(Alexio finds the great winged horse, Pegasus. Pegasus spreads its wings and neighs loudly after seeing Alexio. Hebe shows up and calms it.)

HEBE: The pegasus, a message from the gods, they're watching..beautiful isn't he?(as she pets Pegasus, Alexio slowly walks closer and pets it.)
ALEXIO: (smiling)... Yes, he's beautiful..Aria would have loved this
HEBE: no man has ever ridden one.

(Belo and the soldier encounters calibos, In Belo's dying moment, he screams. His scream attracts the other Spartans. Draco sends the others to assist Alexio where ever he is. Alexio already confronts calibos. Calibos beats him and wounds his left hand trying to impale him with a pointy wood. Yet again, he gets Alexio off guard and bites his wrist.)

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