Non-Herbal Techniques

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-When a queen is kitting, it's a good idea for them to have a strong, sturdy stick to bite down on when the spasms come.

-Nip the backbone to see if it's broken. If it's broken, they won't feel the nip.

-Lick fur the wrong way. It cleans wounds, brings down shock, and warms a cold cat.

-Moss soaked in water. Squeeze in a sick cats mouth so they don't have to get up to get water.

-Sweeten herbs, this is harmless to the cat and makes swallowing bitter herbs easier.

-Water soaking, hold an infected paw or body part in cold water to take down the swelling.

-Water therapy, if a leg muscle is weak, wading in water is the best treatment because you're not stepping down on it and swimming strengthens it.

-If a limb is dislocated, the medicine cat holds the cat down and shifts it back into place.

-Yowling or wailing, it clears the lungs from being blocked up.

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