The Inner Cover || Harry Styles

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I stand outside my new school, hand in hand with my older brother. My mum and dad says this school is the best for what we do. They're away just now, I don't know where and I don't know if they'll be coming back.

It scares me.

Being in a world that's not safe, running from the bad guys. But now, I stand outside this big, ancient mansion I now call a school with Kayden. I've been to school all my life but never one like this. Not one that you have to be chosen for. Not one that my parents history involves.

We don't speak, we just walk. Past the oak trees that line up the drive, the green grass and the small pond. Up to the steps of the place I'll be calling home.

Being the new girl is never easy, I have my brother to ease me in but he's two years older and already has friends. I hesitate to open to the door, scared to know what's lying on the other side.

The grand doors to the mansion swing open as my brother turns the handle. I take a step back, closer towards the steps and feel myself getting drawn back in.

I haven't said a word in an hour, but now my quietness is for a whole different reason. This place is beautiful, like a ballerina dancing to swan lake.

I wish I could've been a ballerina, but my fate has already been chosen. That is what I don't like about being born into this family, I have to do what my family has done for generations. I do not like it one bit.

Kayden grabs my hand and knocks me out of my daze.

"Come on, let's get you to your dorm," His voice, low. Somehow different from what I remember. Then I see everyone staring, standing looking over the banister of the staircase. It looks mahogany with a red carpet going down it and it's up against the wall.

I don't speak, just follow with my head down feeling awkward with the boys and very few girls staring at me in disgust. That is until someone recognises my brother.

"Kayden! How's your parents? I heard their in Bulgaria." A boy pats Kayden on the back as he walks past and my brother nods. I don't, however, know how this boy knows more than myself about my parents.

I start to get looks of sympathy the further up the stairs I get. My parents haven't been home for for 3 months, they left as summer began. They haven't called, or been in contact in any way.

I miss them.

No one is wearing uniforms, just casual clothes so the day must be finished, or maybe it hasn't started. Book cases cover the walls of the first floor as I follow my brother to what must be, the girls dorm.

"Here's your room," my brother points to a door. He whispers into my ear. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer Ace."

He walks away down the hall and I open the door to the room I'll spend the rest of the year in. It's empty but posters cover the wall. One of them for a band I've never heard of and another of a famous person of our type. I find my suitcase and bags already on my bed that's in the corner of the box room. The room has two other beds but one is a bunk bed that fits two people. Three friends I need to make, three just three. I unpack my suitcase putting things in the drawers to my right. I put a photo of my mum and dad next to the lamp on the bedside table and smile at it.

A tear slips from my eye and I quickly catch it.

Stay strong.

I catch myself staring at the photo more than I should and I hear the door creak open. That door needs a lock. I turn around to see two girls, one tall and one small. The taller, slim with dark brown hair and the smaller also slim but with light brown hair. (Of course they have to be thin, we do way to much exercise to be big) They both have bright blue eyes which makes me feel intimidated with my hazel ones.

"Um... You must be the new girl, Hendry?" The taller one asks.

"Yeah, Acelyn Hendry," I smile weakly towards the girls who are still standing awkwardly at the door.

"I'm Blair and this is Amelia, c'mon we have a meeting in the Grand Hall!" Blair tells me. I get up and follow, admiring the place as I go around. I assume this place has three floors. One for classes and the others for dorms. My feet carry me to the Grand Hall and me and my two room mates sit down at a table at the back. This hall reminds me of hogwarts, the tables are rectangular picnic styled tables and are very close together but not in straight lines. Some faced side on some faced face on. A woman, about late thirties maybe early forties stands at the front of the room. Everyone goes silent to hear what she has to say.

"Welcome back to the new term," She nods. "This year is a busy year, you will all be moving up a level or just starting. Good luck to you all and study, study, study because this year will be the toughest." I look at the woman more closely and recognize her straight away. She was my mothers friend. They used to work together until the accident happened. She still talked but I stopped listening, caught in my thoughts.

The woman looked at me, looked away and back again and froze right in her tracks.


I hope you all enjoy this, any thoughts?

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