Chapter 4

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Bettys PoV
When school finished,  they were still talking about the photo. I had the feeling that they’d never stop. I avoided Archie and Veronica and walked home as quickly as possible. There I threw my bag on the floor and let me fall on my bed. I was relieved that my parents weren’t at home. I needed a little time for myself. I took one of my pillows and hugged it as tight as possible.  I didn’t want to but I couldn’t hold the tears back. My whole social life ended in one day. I couldn’t believe it. Just one picture could destroy your life. The whole day people were asking me about this picture and talked about me behind my back. In the end I just shouted at the people and said they should go away and leave me alone.
I heard a car outside. My parents were back. I heard the door open and my mom shouting  my name.  What’s up now? I didn’t want to face my parents, but I had no choice. “I’m in my room!”, I answered, as she shouted my name again. I quickly went into the bathroom and washed the tears off my face. I looked in the mirror.  I was glad you couldn’t see that I’d cried. Then went down the stairs and saw my parents.

“In the living room.”, my mom ordered as soon as she saw me, ”Now.”.

“Okay…”, I said. I wondered what happened. She didn’t look happy. I looked at the clock when I entered the living room and saw that they were home early. Something terrible must have happened. But I couldn’t figure out, what. My mom entered the room, behind her my dad.

“Sit.”, she said. I sat down on the sofa. They sat down on the other sofa in front of me. I felt uncomfortable.

“What’s up, mom?”, I asked. She took out her phone and typed something and then showed it to me.

“Explain.”, she ordered. Oh shit. She knew about the photo.  She has seen it. Just when I thought my day couldn’t get worse. My life was even more over now. If that was possible.

“I…I…”, I stammered.

“Why him? And why is everyone talking about it and know about it? And why did you kiss him?”, she wanted to know.

“It just happened. And he kissed me, not the other way round.”, I explained for the millionth time.

“It just happened?”, she asked and sounded angry, “And the next thing that  just happens is that you get pregnant? “

“Mom? Why do you even care so much. It’s not like I didn’t have a boyfriend or never kissed anyone before.”, I said.

“I care so much because you’re my daughter. You know what happened to Polly when she and Jason had a fight. She had a mental breakdown and had to go.”

“But we’re not even a couple! I don’t even like him! Well, not in this way.”

“I don’t care if you like him or not. I just want to protect you.”

“Well, you did a really good job with Polly there.”

“That’s it. You’re grounded.  For two weeks.”

“For what?”, I asked.

“For this big scandal. Do you know how much damage this did to our family reputation? Polly has damaged it enough.  I don’t want you to follow her down this path. Furthermore,  I forbid you to see this Jughead guy ever again.”

“What? You can’t do this?”

“I thought you didn’t like him that way.”

“But we’re still friends!”

“Now you’re not anymore.  Do you even know who he is?”

“Yeah, he’s my friend. “

“He’s an outlaw.  He’s bad. And I don’t even want to start with his family,  especially his dad.”

“I don’t care. And anyway, how do you want to control this, mom?”

“Oh, Since you’re grounded you have no chance to see him after school. I’ll talk to the school about the time you’re in school. They’re going to find a solution for this.”

“You think.”, I said. I was really angry now.

“That’s another week for being disrespectful.”

“That’s not fair!”, I shouted, stood up, ran out of the room and slammed the door shut behind me.

“Do you want another week?”, I heard my mother back in the living room. But I didn’t care. I ran up the stairs and slammed the door again. I could hear my mother shout something, but I couldn’t understand what she was saying.  And I didn’t care. I was so angry and sad at the same time that I started to cry again. Without changing clothes I went to bed and cried myself to sleep.


Hey guys,  I'm sooo sorry for not updating so long. But my dad needed the laptop for his trip to the US and so I didn't have an laptop.
I wanted to write a new part yesterday, but I was hanging out with a friend. Today I found out that my laptop broke and I have to write on my tablet, but I really hate to write on here, so it could take a little while until I post new chapters (It took me about 45 mins to write this chapter bc I always typed something wrong)
I'll try to update at the end of the week, but I don't know if I have enough time bc we're getting a dog and I have so many tests in the next few weeks
But I'll try to post it as soon as possible

And thank you for so many reads. It's amazing.  I posted it like 3 weeks ago and I have almost 2k reads
Thank you

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