The Warrior Code

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There is a disagreement about the origins of the warrior code. On one hand, Secrets of the Clans states that the rules were invented when the Clans were founded, made up by the leaders Thunder, Shadow, Wind, and River. On the other hand, Code of the Clans states that the rules were developed during a very long timespan, each one invented by different cats after a significant event. There are certain rules that have been developed after a significant event. For example, Daisytail made it law that kits must be 6 moons old in order to start their training.

1: Defend Your Clan Even With Your Life:
(You may have friendships with cats from other Clans, but you loyalty must remain to your Clan, as one day you may meet them in battle.)

Origin Of Rule 1: This was the first rule of the warrior code created. This was created when Ryewhisker, a WindClan warrior, fell in love with a RiverClan warrior named Cloudberry. The two Clans ended up fighting, and Ryewhisker refused to fight his mate or her Clan, resulting in him being killed. The WindClan leader proposed for this to be a rule, for Ryewhisker wouldn't be dead if this was a rule, and the other leaders agreed, making this the first rule of the Warrior Code.

Cats Who Have Broken Rule 1: Rule 1 was broken by Graystripe when he was torn between his loyalties to ThunderClan and RiverClan due to his love relationship with Silverstream, and refused to fight her. This rule was also broken by Bluefur when she fell in love with Oakheart, and refused to battle him when he was attacked by Thistleclaw. This was broken by Fallowtail and Reedfeather when they gave birth to Graypool and Willowbreeze.


2: Do not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory:

Origin Of Rule 2: This rule was created by the RiverClan leader, Stonestar, because Whitestar (the ThunderClan leader) and Brindlestar (the ShadowClan leader) would keep fighting about hunting rights.

Cats Who Have Broken Rule 2: Rule 2 is one of the most frequently broken, with many Clans crossing boundaries to catch prey or apprentices not acknowledging the boundaries.


3: Elders, queens, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors:
(Unless they have permission, apprentices may not eat until they have hunted to feed the elders. If any warrior or apprentice is sick or injured, they may eat while the elders, queens, and kits are eating.)

Origin Of Rule 3: This rule was created when Splashheart, a RiverClan warrior, was visited by an elderly ancestor named Aspentail during a fight with ThunderClan. On the way home, the leader said to hunt prey for the elders and kits on the way back home, and Splashheart knew that this would be a good part of the code, so he wanted to become leader to inforce it. When he became Splashstar, he introduced this new rule.

Cats Who Have Broken Rule 3: Rule 3 was broken by Firepaw when catching prey for Yellowfang after she was exiled from ShadowClan. It was also broken by Longtail and Darkstripe, who ate prey on a hunting patrol instead of bringing it back to the elders and kits. It is rumored by Graypaw that Sandpaw and Dustpaw did this every so often. This was also broken by Needlepaw when she wouldn't bring back her fresh-kill.


4: Prey is killed only to be eaten:
(Give thanks to StarClan for its life.)

Origin Of Rule 4: This was created by Lilystar, past leader of ShadowClan, when she saw two kits playing with a dead mouse in leaf-bare. StarClan sent a sign telling her that they are the cats who give them prey, and they could easily take it away. At the next gathering, she created this rule.

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