Chapter One: a new start

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Ok so me, damon, and Katherine are all going to school for college. So far me and damon are in the same class . Katherine is in our class  and damons said that this will be horror. you know that Katherine is damons ex so he said that this will be bad . This new kid named alex he is not a vampire. He is just like Tyler a werewolf.  So all of us are a group of freinds with Bonne and caroline, matt, alric, and, me, and damon, and jo is back. Yay. So we have mrs.forbes she is a theacher for  us  paranormal people like vampires, and,warewolfs, trybrids.our homework is very easy to do but damon dose not know so I helped him . He got the hang of it now. And stefean is in our class

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