The Car Ride

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"Sooooo..., wtf are we gonna watch?" Jon never told me what movie we were gonna watch because he wanted it to be a surprise.

"You'll see when we get there. Its your birthday present so you can't know now" "Thank you." Jon looked confused.

"For what?" "Being there for me" Jon looked at me, "Its my job".

" Really? That's the best you can do?" I said.

Jon's POV
Why is it so hard to keep a secret? I told     (Y\N) we were gonna watch a movie but didnt tell her which one. Truth is, were going to this big video game shop to meet the crew.

I'm gonna buy her anything she wants. I really do love her, just don't know if she feels the same way. Anyway, I know she's gonna buy a lot of GTA shit. That's her favorite game. She rages a lot but I'm usually always calm.

" Hey, Jon? "(Y\N) said, " Someone's following us"
Your POV
I looked back to see a red car following us.

I told Jon, he just looked back and kept driving.
Jon's POV
Shit! She saw Evan! I didn't say anything, just kept driving. Luckily, he was to far away for (Y\N) to see the license plate because she knows the entire crews license plates.

(Y\N) says one day, when we were all at a party, she went outside to get some air and she just sat there rereading our license plates over and over again (to pass the time). All of our cars were aligned so it was easy to see them.

"Were here (Y\N\N)!"

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