Dancing with the devil

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" Come on! Come on! We don't have all night! The boss needs these drugs delivered by the morning, now stop playing around and start working!" A large man wearing black jeans and a checkered shirt yelled at the group of men loading large wooden boxes into the back of even larger truck.

" We have no time to loose! HURRY UP!" He yelled louder while lighting a cigarette before taking it to his mouth.

Clearly unsatisfied he began mumbling under his breath about how useless every thing was.

Before taking a puff of smoke commotion swept through the operation as a box was dropped and its content was scattered across the ground.

Bags of white powder littered the concrete below however it didn't seem to bother most.

They were instead more focused on the large dark shadow that stood tall on top of some wooden crates.

"What the hell is that?!?" The once calm man screeched.

" I'm batman." The creature spoke before jumping down and taking out six men in an instance.

"Don't just stand there!!!! Shoot it!"

The once calm dock soon became a frantic mess of flying bullets and bat themed heroes.

Not even five minutes had passed and the only one left standing was the middle aged man whom had seemed to have been in charge.

He was quite literally shaking in his boots.

He held a small pistol like it was his life line as his eyes frantically searched for any signs of movement.

" W-who ever you are C-come out right now or I'll shoot!" He screamed into the unsettling silence that had fallen upon the deck.

All of the sudden he was dangling upside down a few meters off the ground and some odd looking wire wrapped tightly around his left leg.

" Now listen closely. I'm going to ask some questions and then your going to answer them. Sound good?" A gruff voice spoke.

The man searched the darkness looking for the person whose voice it had belonged to.

" First of all who are you working for." The deep voice deadpanned.

" I-I can't say!!! T-they'll kill me." The man shook his head frantically.

" I'll ask once more. Who are you working for."

" L-look, i don't know his name! B-but I can tell you w-where he is!!! That's right! I will show where his hide out is!!!"

" Very well." The voice agreed before it stepped out of the shadows.

" S-so it is you! T-the Bat-man!" The man attempted at making small talk much to the vigilantes dismay.

As the bat walked towards the man a laugh echoed through out the docks.

The next minute the once valuable lead was dead. A clean slice across his neck was clearly seen and blood dripped  down his face.

Bat man quickly turned around looking for the culprit.

He was caught completely off guard however when a kid no older then 14 poked him in the side.

Growling slightly the kid simply laughed.

Nothing stood out about the boy other then the mask that was placed on his face.

He had black hair and wore black jeans along with a colourful shirt that was slightly stained with red patches.

It didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure out what the stains were.

" You broke all my new toys!" The boy pouted. " I didn't even get to play with them yet! That's not very nice Mr Bat!"

As the boy spoke he circled around the hanging corpse before kneeling down dipping his finger in the small puddle of blood and then drew a small smiley face on the wooden decking.

" Are you going to stand there all day and stare or are you going to help me draw some pictures!" The boy chirped out happily drawing another smiley face next to the previous one.

" Who are you?" Batman enquired uncertain of the child's motive. All he could tell is that this boy was not in the right state of mind.

" Who are you?! See any body could ask that question but I still wouldn't have given them an answer!!! Now are you going to draw a picture or not?" The boy asked once again.

" No. I'm not going to draw a picture. Listen you need to come with me. I don't want a big problem okay?" He asked slowly closing the space between him and the child.

" Oh! So you want to play tag? Why didn't you just say so! Your it!!! Catch me if you can!!!" The boy smiled before disappearing into the shadows.

I quickly reached out to grab him however all I found was shadows.

I turned around quickly wondering where the kid could have gotten to.

A voice suddenly echoed through out the dock.

" sorry to cut it short Mr bat, but my play times over now. Please don't break my toys next time or we're going to have a problem." The voice echoed from all directions.

" trust me. You don't want that." The boys had suddenly become dead serious.
Then silence.

Assuming the child had gone, I quickly headed back to the batmobile but not before I had signalled the police to the crime scene.

I couldn't stick around as my mind was trying desperately to figure out who that child was and how he was able to sneak up on me.

New book.

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Might keep writing if you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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