Resurrection Typology and Events

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Typology is a shadow, a pattern (Hebrews 8: 5), a figure (Hebrews 9: 8- 9), or a sign to show us about some "future event." To be most accurate we should be able to distinguish the difference between the typology when it is given and the "actual event" when it occurs. A good biblical book to study for typology is the book of Hebrews.

In the study of "resurrection" we have "resurrection types" and "resurrection events", as well as "keys" to understand.

"Keys" (clues)

1. Christ is called the "first fruits" because He was the "first fruit" of those "fruits" (us) that would be raised from the dead that would never go through the process again of "dying." You cannot kill God. Messiah, or Christ in the body named Jesus (by the angel Gabriel's message from God) could not die as the Spirit in that body was God Spirit. That body of flesh named Jesus also had to be raised. (also called God incarnate)

*Resurrected who dies again

2. There were those who were resurrected who had no glorified bodies (non- dying bodies)- because Christ had not died for their sins yet and shed His blood to pay for them. No glorified bodies would be obtainable until the "first fruit" (Christ) would pave the way.

**Resurrected who did not die again

3. Resurrected bodies of the type that had glorified bodies - because Christ had gone into hell into the area called "Abraham's bosom" (the true story- not a parabolic expression [parable] of Lazarus and the rich man) and emptied it (carried captivity captive). These also would never die again.

*Resurrection types (typology- not event)

that died again-



1. I Kings 17: 21- 22 / widows son- (prophet used)

2. II Kings 4: 34 / Son of Shunammite woman - (prophet used)

3. II Kings 13: 20- 21 / man who was tossed into Elisha's grave and "touched" Elisha's bones


4. Luke 7: 12 / widows son - Jesus raised

5. Mark 5: 41, Luke 8: 54, Matthew 9: 25 / Jairus' daughter - Jesus raised (said "Talitha Cumi")

6. John 11: 43- 44 / Lazarus - Jesus raised (Chief priests wanted to put Lazarus to death AGAIN - to stop people from believing on Jesus. John 12:10,11)

7. Tabitha (Dorcas) / Acts 9: 40- Apostle Peter used

8. Acts 20: 9- 10 / Eutychus - Apostle Paul used

**Resurrection type

that did not die again - (typology - and event)

"Special" (no second death) Matthew 27: 52- 53 . Bodies of saints "AFTER" Christ's resurrection- These fulfilled at least 3 scriptures.

1. Psalm 16: 10 -Christ goes into hell prior to His resurrection - prophecy.

2. Luke 16: 22- 23 -true story of true people in a true place.

3. Ephesians 4: 8- 9 - Abraham's bosom emptied.


1. Rapture resurrection- I Thessalonians 4: 14- 17; I Corinthians 15 - "Christ feet are in the air"- no second death.

2. Second coming resurrection- (1st resurrection) Revelation 19: 11- 24 - The beheaded believers and other believers that died during tribulation period - Christ feet on ground (Mt. Of Olives - Zechariah 14: 4) - no second death. - beginning of millennial reign. These are resurrected in order to reign with Christ and the other believers.

3. 2nd resurrection: (after 70th week, the last resurrection)

A. Enacted after end of millennial reign

B. Those who "believe" in Christ who die during millennium rule (have no

glorified body yet) are raised to everlasting life. "And as it is appointed

unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" (Hebrews 9:27)

They are judged at Great White Throne judgment.

C. Great White Throne Judgment for unbelievers:

1. They die second death (thrown into Lake of Fire alive,

Revelation 20:14,15)

2. They are from Adam forward.

3. Eternal death - thrown into Lake of Fire, away from

presence of the Lord forever, tormented because there is

never a way out. "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not

quenched:" (Mark 9:43-48)


1. "Eternal life": - "In" the presence of God always - Remember the spirit of man never dies- only the flesh - glorified body given.

2. "Eternal death" - Forever "away" from the presence of God - still alive in the "lake of fire" - Remember the spirit of man never dies- only the flesh - but both can be tormented (spirit and flesh) - "never" with a chance to be saved again!


Ecclesiastes 12: 7 -When you die the (your) spirit returns unto God who gave it,

then it is redirected to where it should go "now," at the

moment of death. NO souls sleep in the grave!

Luke 16:19-31 -Shows separate places within hell

Daniel 12: 1,2 -Shows resurrection time that corresponds to Revelation 20: 10-


Job 19: 26 -Shows resurrection understood by Job.

-There are 2 Lazarus's - Luke 16:20 - John 11:1

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