Kidnapped 2

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Three girls, named Rachel, Stephanie, and Kate, were strolling down the street one early spring morning. They had been awoken by some unknown cause and couldn't manage to get back asleep. They were having a discussion about an incident that had happened last year, when they had rescued a girl named Maddie from two kidnappers, Hailey Mcmecan and Brooke Evans. Just a week ago, Hailey and Brooke had been released from jail. Kate, Rachel, and Stephanie were now trying to predict what they would do. If they did not cease from their previous ways, the girls would secretly follow them around and strategize how to stop them.

The three friends were so involved in their conversation, they didn't notice the two shadows that were slowly and inaudibly closing in on them. Suddenly, a tall figure shot out of the darkness and grabbed the girls. A truck that had once been hidden unseen backed out of an alley. The person who had grabbed them threw open the back doors and forced them inside. As the moonlight hit her face, only then did the girls see who one of their kidnappers was. It was none other than Hailey Mcmecan. And I bet you can guess who was driving the truck.

"What do we do?" screamed a frantic Stephanie.

"We have to get out of here. But how?" exclaimed Rachel.

"There has to be a way," Kate whispered to herself, thinking. All three girls started looking around and feeling the sides of the truck for a way out, but to no avail. Finally, Kate got frustrated and sat down in the middle of the floor. "Why did Hailey and Brooke do this? I don't get it."

"Are you asking what their motive is?" inquired Rachel.

"Yes, exactly," responded Kate.

"Well, they might have wanted revenge on us for getting them arrested when they kidnapped Maddie. The only reason they kidnapped her in the first place was to get revenge on her mom," said Stephanie.

"Yeah, that could be it," Rachel piped up.

"Okay, so now we just need to get out of this truck and get the police. But how do we do it?" asked Kate.

"I don't- hey! What's this?" Rachel asked with curiosity. Stephanie and Kate immediately came over to look at what Rachel saw. It was a tiny hole in the side of the truck, almost unnoticeable.

"What good is a hole?" asked Kate, rolling her eyes. But still, Stephanie put her finger through it and pulled.

"Whoa!" she gasped when a section of the truck fell out. "I was not expecting that."

"Okay, so this is our way out," said Rachel. "Now we just have to jump out of a vehicle moving at sixty miles per hour, at least."

"It's worth a shot," mumbled Kate.

"Let's do it together," said Stephanie. No one objected, so they all held hands and stood at the edge of the floor.

"On three," said Rachel. "One, two, three!" They closed their eyes and jumped. As they tumbled on the ground, the truck kept moving ahead. Hailey and Brooke hadn't yet noticed that the girls were missing, so that was good.

When the world had stopped spinning around her, Stephanie sat up and asked, "Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," responded Rachel.

"A little bruised, but I'm okay too," said Kate.

"Good!" exclaimed Stephanie. "How far away from home do you think we are?"

"Well, I'd say we're about forty-five miles from home," suggested Kate.

"So... how long will it take us to get back?" asked Stephanie.



"I don't know," Kate replied.

"Well, that's just great," said Rachel sarcastically.

"You're telling me," remarked Stephanie.

"Well, we've got a long way to go, so let's get moving," said Kate. So the three girls started making their way toward their homes. For a long time, they walked in silence.

Then Kate said, "I'm starting to wonder how much farther it is."

"Me, too," Rachel agreed. The sun had already started to set, and it was getting dark.

"Wait, look!" exclaimed Stephanie. "Do you see all those lights?"

"Yeah! We're probably only fifteen or twenty minutes away from Chicago!" Kate said happily. The girls ran until they had to stop and catch their breath. Unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived. Just then, they glanced down the road and glimpsed the head-lights of a familiar truck. "Oh, no," Kate groaned. Brooke and Hailey must have found out they were gone! There was no place to hide, and no time to run. Hailey and Brooke would catch them for sure.

Stephanie had just realized they were doomed, when suddenly, the voice of a little girl whispered, "Guys! Over here!" The girl pulled Rachel, Kate, and Stephanie behind a sign that they hadn't seen before. The girl looked strangely familiar to Rachel.

"Wait, Maddie?" she asked incredulously.

"Shhhhh!" said the girl. Thankfully, Hailey and Brooke's truck passed by them. Once the coast was clear, the four girls stepped out from behind the sign.

"Maddie, is that you?" asked Stephanie.

"Yes," responded Maddie.

"Thank you!" said Rachel.

"You saved us!" Kate exclaimed.

"If it weren't for you, we'd be back with Hailey and Brooke," Stephanie said.

"Don't mention it. You saved me from Hailey and Brooke last year," Maddie said modestly.

"So, Maddie, what are you doing out here?" asked Kate.

"I was helping the animal shelter by searching for any stray animals. I was just heading home," responded Maddie.

"Oh, cool," said Stephanie. "We're going to the police station to report Hailey and Brooke. Get home safely." And with that, Rachel, Kate, and Stephanie ran toward the city. They stopped in front of the police station. Then they opened the doors and dashed inside. Surprised, the sheriff looked up from his desk.

"Stephanie, Rachel, and Kate? What are you three doing here at night?" Hurriedly, the girls explained what had happened.

"So now, we need to catch Hailey and Brooke," they finished.

"Yes, and we will do just that. But right now, you need to get home. I'll see you later," said the sheriff. The girls were disappointed, but they said nothing. They raced home to wait until tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2014 ⏰

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