An untimely Death Set 15 days after events in Missed

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Multiverse Q2572, Quadrant: HL874.276.663, Sector: VX986.443.043. Planet: QQ004, Adlioor:  Date:5602.....10/24 111 BI.  

"It's been eighteen days since I missed the starship Sentanin," Elisha Quanta mumbled staring at her tickets on the bare table in front of her. "and eight days since the Sentanin was destroyed entering N-space and I've spent the last six couped up here inside Jbeini embassy compound security bunker. The foods bad, I've got no communications, no entertainment and if Agent Jones tells me about his time on Sankrit again I'm going to strangle him." Elisha finished slumping back onto her bed.

"I do like the man." she said trying to justify her last statement "It's just that his stories are so unbelievable it makes me wonder if he really does work for Fleet Special Forces."

Bored she stretched on the bed knocking her PDD* to the floor, just before it began beeping at her. Absentmindedly she leaned over and picked it up checking the alarm. The time on the PDD read 10:00. Opening the alarm file, it was Jones note, her funeral was today at 10:00 hours. That's where Agent Jones was.

Still bored Elisha reread Jones's reports looking for some clues as to why she was supposed to be dead. According to the reports she'd died, along with thousands of others, when the starship Sentanin had been destroyed entering N-Space on the edge of the Adlioor system. Apart from the death notice the only other mention of her name appeared on page 12 where it was noted that she'd been the last to board. Apparently she'd been the last to board after having been paged twice.

Finding nothing new in the reports she threw the PDD aside, missing the table it fell on to the floor near the door.

"At least Jones can fix this." She thought as she threw her pillow at the door. After all Agent Jones was going to the funeral with the express purpose of talking to her step father, Tilor Chador. Jones had even gone out of his way to explain to her just how much danger Tilor was in as long as a copy of her original research notes on the Delrani was in his custody.

"We need to erased the copy before whoever wanted you dead finds out that you're related to Tilor and that he has an original copy, and they decided to kill him. It's a good thing you used your own name when you published instead of Chador." Jones had told her this morning before he left. "It'll make it more difficult for them to find your stepfather."

"How was I supposed know how dangerous my research could be in the wrong hands?" she'd asked as he left.

"You weren't" he smiled as he left.

"...research," he answered sadly. "Yes...It was a sad day when we lost your stepdaughter's bright mind. We had such high hopes for her."

"I didn't know you knew her." Tilor replied softly.

"I didn't. But I've read her research on the Delrani*. It was quite eloquent, though a little off kilter for such an excellent researcher... but with additional training she could have been a real asset to the agency."

"Thank you."

"Again my sympathies for your loss, and if there's anything the agency can do for you just let me know."

"Yes, thanks."

"There's just one thing more, if you wouldn't mind... at an appropriate time, of course."


"We had hoped that you'd allow us to see her original research notes."

"She had them with her when she.... when she..."

"Of course ... but that's it, you see...." Jones paused "Her research notes were with her when.... perhaps she had another set of notes somewhere at home?" he asked.

"Perhaps.... look..... just.... just come by the house later this week and...we'll talk about it."

"Of course, Mr Chador."

"That was easier than I thought." Jones smiled as he sat down at the bare table opposite Elisha.

"BUT I'M DEAD." she shouted angrily. "TILOR THINKS I'M DEAD! HE THINKS I'M DEAD"

"You did read your contract before you signed it didn't you Miss Chador?" Jones asked quietly.


"Ah... then you wouldn't have read paragraph 64, lines 12-17.

Fleet Special Forces, or its representative, "and in this case that would be me", has the right/duty to determine the best use of local resources. This may include, but is not limited to:

a) The publication or withholding from publication the Death notice for any employee of the FSF, irrespective of whether said employee is dead or not.

b) The publication, or withholding from publication, of the names and addresses of offenders or their victims.

c) The publication or withholding from publication the nature of any crime or any information related to any crime within the jurisdiction of the FSF.

"So Miss Chador." Jones continued unrelentingly. "Do I need to go on?"

"No...You do realise that that's the second time you've call me Miss Chador. That's not my name."

"Indeed. But in this case YOU need to be dead to get safely off planet."

"But I still don't understand why!"

"Unfortunately Miss Chador that would take longer to explain than we have time for. Let's just say that it's all about names and your excellent research on the Delrani's extinction. It caused quite a stir in certain circles you know. To be truthful, it wasn't quite as far off the mark as we've telling everyone it was." Jones smiled.

"But why do I need to be dead?"

"Because Miss Chador, dead men - or in your case, a dead woman - tell no tales.


*Dates are in format YYYY....MM/DD YYY BI

*BI Before Impact  

*The Delrani. The Delarni become extinct mere centuries after discovering N-Space. This was the subject of much debate, most of which once centered around Rafshoin's hypothesis: That the Delrani were lost because of their failure to predict extreme solar storm from its nearby twin suns. Itshould be noted that a major portion of Elisha Quanta research paper completelydisproves this theory. 

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