so. it's the end...but not.

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So. I gave up on this after a while so I'm not going to ever touch this basically I'm killing it. Officially.

BUT my friend likes it (despite it's flaws) and refuses to give it up. So from now on if you want to read it she's going to write a better more improved basically the one I had in my head but couldn't put on paper.

We talked and decided that I was trying to roll several stories into one. That seems to be my down fall. So we're doing a sort of collab.

She's going to wright book 1: lyon x mori bxb

I'll write 2: D x Kyoya bxb

She'll write 3: April x hikaru gxb

I'll write 4: Luca x kauru bxb

And she'll write 5:  matt x hony...(we actually faught over this one) bxb

So we'll tell you when the project starts. We are makeing it so you don't HAVE to read all of them. But if you do you might get some hidden meanings, jokes, and other cool things you won't notice if you don't.

This is because we plan it as 1 univers.

So go check her out if ya want. Sorry for all the work and/or trouble. animelovernicky

please be nice and welcome her. Thanks! 😁

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