Part one

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   "I got the scars from tomorrow and I wish you could see, that your the answer to my prayer...except for me!"

Man I love that song! I know all the words!
A loud sigh came from beside me. I turned around to see a shadow/ie
Figure in the corner of the room.

Squinting slightly I was able to make out a pale chin.
"Nico? I asked, confused.
"No, it's the tooth fairy, open wide."
The pale boy said sarcastically.
" What are you doing in the Zues bunker?"
There was a slow silence filling  the air, more and more... Waiting for an answer.
Slowly and calmly he moved out of the corner into the light revealing his face and body.
With his head down he says in a low tone.
"You said the lyrics wrong the last part was incorrect-- proven idiot."
My eyes widened.
did he really just  say I got the lyrics wrong?!
My eyes widened more.
He also called me a proven idiot!

What does that even mean?!
I shouted loudly... Maybe too loud because he jumped and then shadow traveled....oops?

"What's going on?!" A shirtless Jason tipped running out of the bathroom may I remind myself again shirtless.

"Soo you knew he was here .. And your... Shirtless?"
He rolled his eyes
Diva much?
" Did you scare him off?"

"Ummm... What?.. No! How dare you accuse me of such non-sense!"
Yup totally saved myself.
He squinted his eyes "Soo you scared him off. 
      "Sighing in defeat I gave in.
Yeah I screamed a little to loud and he shadow traveled.....dude he hates me! He called me an idiot!"
I mean lots of people say that but Nico doesn't even talk to me and when he does he calls me an idiot. Great!

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