Six years earlier

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John waved at me from across the lobby, he always got out before me. I walked over to him and we began the trip home. He was a good looking guy, always grinning and joking. He stupidly fell for a girl that didn't feel the same. Sarah Watts. Cute girl, runner, nerdy, pretty much a girl version of John, honestly. He practically went mute whenever she even glanced in his direction. She joined us once we got outside the doors and fell into step beside me. We talked and joked during the walk. Sarah said bye and went down her road but i began to slow down when we got closer to my house. John glanced at me and then the house.

"They fighting again?" He asked.

I looked down at the ground and muttered, "Yeah, but it might be better today."

"Wanna come hang at my place? I got that new game."

I smiled and nodded so we went and played a fighting game. People with powers dressing up and beating on each other. Don't know why but it made me forget all my problems. That is until my Mom called and yelled at me for not being home yet. I told John I had to go and began the walk home. I walked slower and slower all the way up to the door. The smell of beer and those disgusting blue cigars that my stepdad loved so much washed over me as I opened the door. I heard them going at it in the back room so I crept to my room as quietly as possible. I put my hand on the handle and began to twist it.


I dropped my hand and walked to the room they were in.

"Why didn' ya come home from school? You up at that weirdo friend of yours's again?"

I tried to make my voice as low as possible and whispered,"yeah."

He raised his hand and pushed me into the wall.

"You come straight home from now on, ya hear me?"



"Yes, sir."

"Get on to bed. Go on, get! Woman, where's my beer?"

I walked out of the room and rubbed the spot on my head where I had hit the wall. I went into my room and flopped onto the bed. I picked up my phone and answered John's text asking how it had gone.

-About as well as you would expect

-Just tell them off

-That wouldn't go down well

I tossed down the phone and sat up. A yawn drew my attention to the other side of the room.

"Hey Ag. Sorry for waking you, little sister."

"They would have if you hadn't. And quit calling me that you're only a month older than me"

Alex Whyatt, my little sister. Not biologically. I was adopted, but I loved her like a sister. We practically raised each other after Dad started drinking again.Don't really have a reason for calling her Ag. She slipped out of the room and came back with two water bottles. I have no idea how she sneaks past them so easily, and she wont tell me either. Tossing me one of the bottles, she sank into a chair and flipped on the old T.V. The news came on talking about the same thing it always talked about. The aliens we made contact with. And the zombies rampaging over Europe. Or the freak weather and natural disasters in Africa. The world was going to hell. I was about to tell her to just turn it off when a new story came on.

"The New America Government has just passed a decree that all able-bodied men and women over the age of fifteen will be entered into a draft. The soldiers will be sent to fight the growing zombie menace before it finds it's way over here. Godspeed to you all. And now back to the coverage of the alien's hostile takeover of Australia."

The screen went black as Alex turned the T.V. off and looked at me in awe and a little bit of excitement.

"That's us. We're gonna be put in that draft. We can get out of here."

"Don't get too excited. Even if we get drafted first, there will still be a while before they come to get us. Did they say hostile alien takeover?"

She turned the TV back on and we watched the United People of Australia try to make a deal with the aliens. I glanced at Alex and thought about what she had said. How there would be better than here. She had a point but I wouldn't want her to be over there, not without me to help. If I could convince her to stick with me, I could try to protect her. She wouldn't listen anyway. We may not be biologically related but she is just as stubborn as me. She wouldn't last a week in fighting. She cried when she killed a fly last week. There was a chance that she wouldn't be drafted for a while at least. But I'm never that lucky.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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