Rain and Regrets

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He immediately noticed the sun in his eyes, and he noticed the beautiful light spilling into the window.

Groggily, Zane got up and shut the blinds. He was not in the mood for the sun today, it definitely felt like an inside day. But alas, the black haired boy never gets anything he wants.

"ZANE!" He saw Garroth burst into the door.

"What do you want?" Zane said, immediately, wanting to get back under the covers as soon as possible.

"How are you doing, baby brother?" The blonde boy smiled.

"... Is that all?" He groaned.

"What? Is it wrong to want to check up on my baby brother?"

"Yes!" Zane said in his usual ill-tempered voice before throwing a Pinkie cake stuffed animal at the door, but before it hit Garroth the blonde shut the door.

Zane heard Garroth speak to Laurance outside his door but he couldn't care less. He laid in bed for another good thirty minutes before getting a call.

"Aph!" Zane said, excitedly. He may be tired, but if it's Aphmau that's calling he'd immediately pick it up any time.

"Yes?" He said.

"Zane! How are you?"


"That's good, well I mean, it's not good, but whenever I ask you that, that's your usual response, so it means your doing normal. Anyways, I need you to cover for Gene today."

"What?" Zane said angrily. Gene... That idiot. Probably off being annoying somewhere.

"Okay, whatever." He said, immediately clicking off the phone and looking at the clock. He only had thirty minutes to get ready, just great. He tiredly got up and practically forced his body to cooperate.


"My perfect day off... Ruined by stupid Gene." He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair as he finished up his last hour of work. He walked to the window and gasped.

"It's... Raining?" The hell? It was just burning this morning. He sighed as he realized he didn't have an umbrella. He quickly went to use the bathroom and when he came out again, a familiar face bursted through the door, soaking wet.

"Zane!" An annoying voice said. Zane sighed and prepared himself to lay his eyes on the white haired menace known as Travis.

"Thank god you were open." Travis said, flicking his head to get wet hair out of his eyes.

"You're welcome." Zane said passive aggressively. Travis smiled to him.

"You just closing up? You gonna make a run for it too?" Travis said before winking at him. Zane had to strain himself to not roll his eyes.

"Yeah, so get out."

"Oh, Zane, don't be like that. Run with me." Travis said before placing his hand on Zane's head to which the shorter boy batted away.

"You're not gonna leave me if I say no anyways." Zane started to turn off all the lights and the area instantly got dark. He glanced to Travis, who's emerald eyes seemed to glow and cut a hole in the darkness.

Travis put his hands behind his head as he followed Zane through the doors. "You know me too well for not talking to me much." Travis said slyly.

The two boys stepped into the rain and Zane enjoyed the glow of lights as the rain poured.

Travis was silent, staring at Zane with curiousity. He always wanted to know more about the black haired boy, but they never really spoke.

"... Race ya! Whoever loses has to buy the other a coke!" Travis broke the silence and started running into the rain. Zane started after him, not wanting to waste money on the white haired boy.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 14, 2017 ⏰

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