ch.2 activity time

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Sorry everyone I stopped at the first chapter just needed to find some inspiration
As home economics class ended your bf held you close cause he/she was jealous. Your crush didn't mind and so didn't you. You and your crush kept talking about a big cooking project for home ec and all of you guys decided to cook some bacon. Which was one of your favorite foods. As you got to your last class of the day your crushed gave you a smirk as he said, "Hope to see you on the dance floor!" You thought to yourself,{Oh you will} you gave a tiny squeal. "Hey (y/n) I think we should change activity." "TOO LATE!" you say as you come back from the sign up sheet." I all ready signed us up."WHAT!..." your friend growled."whoa (bf/n) calm down we already decided to go. Why would you want to change activities like that. I mean you love the dance you get to shake your ass." Your friend smirked slightly but still angry while murmuring "I don't want to go cause of that little crush of yours." You didn't hear him/her because you were too excited
(Magical time skeeeeep woodoo woowoodoo)
You and your friend are having a good time at the dance until you heard a chuckle. You knew that familiar voice faintly in the background. You turn around only to see your crush chuckling at you as he/she saw you shaking your tail feathers. You blush a hard red as you walk up to him/her. Your favorite song started playing and your crush brought out his/her hand saying "May I have this dance (y/n)?" You blush even harder before you give a tiny nod as your crush pulls you close to him/her... As you and your crush were dancing, you noticed your friend gone. You decide to ignore it and just enjoy the rest of the activity.

"I will have (y/n) back... Even if it means to kill you (c/n)..."
------------------------------ DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN cliffhanger sorry guys pls don't kill me and comment for inspiration thank you and love you

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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