
166 11 80

Think of a number from 1 to 20

Now scroll like you mean it!


Look for the number you chose, that will be the first part of your warrior name:
1. Frost
2. Heather
3. Ice
4. Dark
5. Red
6. Lion
7. Breeze
8. Mouse
9. Little
10. Blue
11. Mud
12. Bright
13. Mist
14. White
15. Striped
16. Owl
17. Eagle
18. Hawk
19. Black
20. Squirrel

Think of another number from 1 to 20

Keep scrolling😑

Ok. Now find your number and finish your warrior name!
1. Gaze
2. Pelt
3. Flight
4. Moon
5. Fur
6. Stream
7. Tail
8. Claw
9. Stripe
10. Wind
11. Paw
12. Star
13. Whisker
14. Heart
15. Foot
16. Toe
17. Cloud
18. Flower
19. Eye
20. Nose

The thing I like about this one is that you can keep doing it and getting different names,
I got Darkstar and Brightstream what did you get?

Warrior Cats Name GeneratorWhere stories live. Discover now