part 3

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After you little problem in the locker room you headed back to the gym Jess and Jane stopped you by grabbing your shoulder.

Jess - Y/n I think I see Issie over there.

You looked over and spotted a male with brown hair an drown eyes you knew it was him but you just needed to wait for the right moment you look at Jess and Jane.

Y/n - Alright I know how to kill him but I get a feeling this is going to be a big fight.

You saw Issie walk some where alone you fallow him and snuck up behind him as you were about to attack he dogged and you saw he had no fear in his eyes.

Issie - What do you want.

Y/n - I just want to see you go limp on the ground.

You both charged at each other.

Fight seen skip... (sorry I can't write fight to well)

You both were panting you had a few cuts broken bones and cuts on your lip you look at him he barley had any injures he walked up to you and grabbed you by the neck he was going to kill you failed you mission as he was about to impale you a knife went through his neck his eyes went wide he dropped you and fell to the ground limp you look up to see Jane you smile witch caused her to blush.

Y/n - I owe you one Jane.

Jane - Yup let get out of here quickly.

Jess came around the corner she quickly ran up to you and yelped you up Jane was on your left Jess was on your right holding you up whale walking in the woods you mumble witch made the look at you.

Jess - What did you say?

Y/n - I said sorry for not being strong enough I seem to be put of practice.

Jess - We'll get you back in place and shaped up.

You nodded and soon everything went black.


Darkness was all you saw you heard a laugh.

Y/n - Who is there.

??? - Who do you think.

Your eyes widened and you clench your fist.

Y/n - Father.

Father - Hehe still remember me my son.

Y/n - I killed you once I do it again.

Father - Now now my son I have a gift for you.

Y/n - What is it.

Father - You'll fine out soon my son.

He started to fade away and you start to wake up.

Dream over...

You woke up in a room in a bed you hear a door open and see a girl with a blue mask walking in she looked at you and gasped

??? - Oh thank god your alive.

Y/n - Where am I? Who are you?

Eyeless Jackie - Oh I'm eyeless Jackie but you can call E for short.

Y/n - How long have I been out?

Ej - Two weeks.

Y/n - Dame.

Ej - Jane and Jess keep coming to see if your OK as you were out.

Y/n - Are they OK?

Ej - Yes just depressed you should go see them.

You nodded and stood up and limped out the door. You limped down the hall and saw Jane you go up to her am tap her shoulder she turns around and gasped and hugs you tightly.

Jane - Your f-finally awake.

Y/n - Yup are you OK?

Jane - I'm fine but I should be asking you that.

You chuckled and hug her again she blushed and hugs you back.

Y/n - Where is Jess.

Jane - She is in her room.

Y/n - OK I'm going to check on her.

Jane - OK.

You went to Jess's room you knocked on her door and enter you saw her standing by a window.

Jess - What do you wan-

She stopped in the middle if her sentence she ran up to you and hugged you hug back she looked at you.

Jess - How are you feeling?

Y/n - Sore but I'll pull through. How are you doing.

Jess - Better now that your here~

Y/n - What is that suppose to mean.

Jess giggled and pecked you on the lips you were shocked you blush and looked at her.

Jess - I'm not the only one who loves you.

Y/n - Who else loves me.

Jane - It's me.

You turn around and look at Jane.

Jess - We put aside our differences and decided to share you.

Jane - Do you love us?

Y/n - More then anything in the world.

They tackled you to the bed and cuddle you couldn't help but feel this power in you as if it wanted to be free you brushed it off and fell asleep with your new girlfriends.

Jess the killer x male son of Dracula x Jane the killerWhere stories live. Discover now