[1] The Girl

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Edited on April 1st, 2020

Name: ???Age: ???Blood ???Species: ???Title: ???---

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Name: ???
Age: ???
Blood ???
Species: ???
Title: ???

???'s Pov

   I dashed through the thick, murky forest hunting for my prey.. The crude shouting of the men running  echoed around me. A stick or something sticking up from the ground tripped on of them and he fell. From a distance, I noticed the knights halt to get there swords out, they were facing their right.

"There! Members of the Seven Deadly Sins!"  "Seize them!"

The Seven Deadly Sins.. 

3rd Person
With her x-ray vision, she saw a blonde haired guy with a huge wound in his shoulder, a white haired girl, and a giant brown haired girl. They couldn't possibly be.. Why are they in this dusty place?

Her hand slid across her blade's sheath. From the tip to the handle. In the blink of an eye she was in the air behind one of the guards, sword raised. One very quick swipe and his body fell at her feet. Slowly everyone looked to me.

The knights looked at her sword and then her face. The color drained from their eyes as they realized what they had done.

A smirk began to slide across her face. The guards turned and aimed their swords but it was to no avail. One by one their bodys hit the ground.

Suddenly a girl with silky white hair and shimmering sapphire eyes stepped forward.

"That was unnecessary!"


??? pulled a cloth out of her pocket and began cleaning the blood off her sword with a bored expression. This irked a couple people.

The princess looked helplessly down at the mutilated corpses of those poor men. Her eyes suddenly shoot up as she throws a murderous glare at the woman in front of her.

"Why were you being so cruel?! These men didn't deserve death!"

The mysterious girl bewildered Meliodas. He froze at the sound of his own heart beating out of his chest.  Hawk kicked Meliodas. "Do something about her!"  Diane growled in anger as strong as Elizabeth's.

The girl looked up at Meliodas. Her icy blue eyes sent a chill down his spine. "You're wounded." 

He looked down at his bloody shirt and shrugged. "It's only a scratch." 

She seemed to analyze him, ignoring his words. The way she looked him up and down made even the perv blush.

"If you say so." She sheathed her sword and looked at the girl in front of her.  "Listen here princess. I saved your asses. I should get a thank you." 

Her cold words only infruriated them further.  "Now if you'll excuse me."

She turned to walk away, but turned back to Elizabeth.  "You should get him patched up. It could get worse."

Without another word, she vanished.


Back at the tavern, Elizabeth goes to check on Meliodas only to find him unconscious.


Her voice echoed throughout the tavern. Hawk ran upstairs out of breath. "E-Elizabeth! What ha-"

Upon seeing his fallen friend, Hawk froze in fear. Meliodas was strong. Super strong. There's no way he's..

Elizabeth jumped up, startling Hawk.  She tried picking Meliodas up but she couldn't support him.  Falling everytime she tried, she yelled out in frustration.

Tears poured down her face. Hawk tried to nudge Meliodas up. "Get him on my back. We can bring him to the village. There has to be a doctor there."

Wiping away her tears, she nodded and hauled him onto the piggy's back. Hawk bolted down the stairs, Elizabeth right behind him.

The door to the taven swung open, causing Diane to stand up. "I heard a scream. Did something happen to the.."

Hawk stopped at the edge, Meliodas's unconscious body slumped on his back. 

"No.. This can't be.. Captain!!"

"We are going to take him to the village in search of a doctor."

Scooping him up carefully, Diane ran for the village.  Desperation kicked in. She wanted to help her lover but the people of the village were being cruel.

She slumped down on the ground after being told to stay put. Her eyes hopelessly scanned his body.  He was wounded badly.


You should get him patched up. It could get worse.

Diane's eyes widened. The girl from the forest. Maybe she could help the captain.

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