Pirates 2.0

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(Hey guys I just wanted to re write this one shot just to compare it to my old writing, like artists do.. Also my old one was... Cringy so enjoy)

Boots clack on the darkened cobblestone street. Vendors on either side have closed their shops for the night. One girl dashes through streets, the only thing y/n can do is run. Shallow breathing fills her ears as she continues in a dead sprint toward the docks. And just think, this could have all been avoided.

~~~flash back~~~

Y/n had just docked in Barcelona's main port for a short while to collect supplies and get a quick drink. The sun was low in the sky making the town seem hazier than in broad daylight. She stops slowly in front of a tavern, light and laughter pools from it as she opens the door.

Many heads turn to gawk at her, confidence rolling off her in waves like the sea. A steady smirk on her face as she saunters up to the bar. "One ale please." She says as two coins are placed on the counter. The bartender nods and most of the bars patrons go back to their drunken conversations.

From the back of the room a pair of bright green eyes watch her steadily. They look at the men around them and mumble something in Spanish that arouses laughter. Y/n grips her finally delivered drink and tries not to roll her eyes or stab that bastard here and now.

She sighs and downs her drink, slamming the mug on counter, nodding to the bartender and turns to leave. Only to be faced with a cloaked chest in front of her. Y/n raises an eyebrow, annoyed before trailing her eyes up to look the bane of her existence in the eyes.

Antonio Hernandez Carriedo.

"Still as pretty as ever, hmm y/n?" He teases, making her frown turn into a scowl. "What do you want Toni?" She asked obviously annoyed. His jaw drops and he clutches over his heart in mock hurt, "Oye! Is it's a crime to just say hi? What's with the sass y/n?" "I'm not in the mood Antonio." Y/n huffs, pushing past him.

Suddenly before she can get too far a par of arms wrap around her waist and a pointed chin rests on her shoulder, "Not in the mood~? I can change that." Her face burns and she can feel the smirk on his voice. Y/n shifts a moment on his arms before turning to look up at him with the most innocent face she can muster.

His face spells shock as one slender hand trails up his chest, "Antonio?" "S-sí?" "Are you allergic to nuts?" Confusion clouds his face for a moment, "Allergic? Pues.. I don't-" "because I'm about to kick your all the way up into your throat."

His eyes widen for a fraction of a second before a blur of action sends the tavern into chaos. Antonio moves away from y/n and knocking over a table onto other patrons, starting a bar fight as y/n makes her escape.

The Spanish pirate curses before quickly following after her.

Boots clack on the darkened cobblestone street. Vendors on either side have closed up their shops for the night. One girl dashes through the streets, the only thing y/n can do is run. Shallow breathing fills her ears as she continues her sprint toward the docks.

Hard footsteps follow close behind, damn his long legs. She wills herself to go faster but she can already feel the stupid smile dancing on her lips. The footsteps speed up and before she realizes it a hand grabs her wrist pulling her into familiar arms.

Her sudden stop turns Antonio's momentum against them, leaving the two tumbling to the ground. Labored breathing fills the silence for a while until y/n catches her breath. "Oww.. Tonio, get off me." Said pirate chuckles quietly, "No."

"Ugh dios mío, what are you five?" She asked exasperatedly. Antonio shrugs, "I still win." Y/n lets out a tentative breath, "What about a duel?" "I'm listening." She sits up, "A duel until the other is unarmed, if I win you have to leave me alone and tell Francis that you were mercilessly beaten by me-" "And if I win I get something off your ship."

Y/n considers this before standing to face Antonio and holding out a hand,



Both pirates step back a ways, hands moving close to their swords. Antonio moves first, un-sheathing his sword and stepping close to attack. Y/n automatically draws to parry in defense. The sound of metal on metal rings in the late evenings air. Both pirates grin wildly, breath hot and hearts beating erratically.

The fight last for a good five minutes before y/n notices she had been slowly backed into an alley. A drop of sweat travels down her neck, she knows it's over, there's no where to go as her energy drains. Antonio's grin widens and her heavy sword is at long last knocked out of her hand.

A silvery blade hovers in front of her throat as a weak laugh escapes the victor. Y/n folds her arms, "Well, what do you want?" His eyes glint as he withdraws his sword, "I thought you'd never ask."

Time stops for a second as y/n's mind is suddenly blanks as a pair of warm lips press against her's. Her eyes widen initially before closing shut to match the Spaniard in front of her. A calloused hand moves up to cup her face, while the other moves to her waist, thumb stroking her hip bone. Her arms slowly circle his neck as a hand tangles into his curly hair, pulling them slightly closer.

Antonio moves down, kissing her jaw and then her neck. Y/n chuckles after finally getting air, "Antonio I have to go, Arthur's fleet is still looking for me, you know how Queen Victoria is about pirates."

He mumbles something against her neck and she sighs, "Toni, eres lindo pero tengo que ir." The Spanish rolls off her tongue easily making the pirate look up. Antonio stands fully, grinning, "You've been practicing, eh y/n?" Her jaw drops slightly before quickly feigning aloofness, "Pft no, in your dreams bastard."

She waves his arms off and starts to get walk past him, leaving the swooning pirate in the alley. Y/n snickers to herself before jogging the rest of the way to her ship, she's halfway up the gangplank until, "y/n!"

Footsteps quickly reach her and she turns to face the same pirate she really didn't want to leave. But as she turns y/n is pulled into his arms one more time.


Said pirate buries his face in her hair, "When's your next trip back?" She shrugs slightly in his hold, "I can't promise anything soon, but this isn't the last time you'll see me." Y/n can feel his smile against her and it's contagiousness moves to her, so she looks back up at the sappy pirate with a lop sided grin, "Hey es lo que es, I'll be back soon, yeah?"

He looks back at her and grins slightly wider, "Yeah.. Hasta luego?" She smiles and nods, "Hasta luego Tonio." Then with one last kiss to his smooth cheek y/n backs up and walks up the rest of the gangplank. Antonio moves off it as well and watches from the dock, the sails and anchor are up and y/n moves to the helm, steering the ship out of the docks.

She turns one last time to wave at Antonio and he smiles and waves back before turning. To his city and is off to probably find his own crew.

The wind billows in her sails, waves are calm beneath her and the smell of salt accents the air.

Y/n smiles slightly, she will most definitely be back soon.

~~~ enjoy? I hope so but if you didn't know the Spanish was 1. Toni, you're cute but I have to go and 2. It is what it is.    If you like please comment or vote

Guys! I had an idea, what if I just did a pirate au but not just Spain but all the countries in this time period doing nonsense. Please comment if you'd read/ proof read or like to see this happen.

Happy days,
Author-chan aka- boo

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