1 - Meet Runa Kay

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Runa Kay - POV;

"Miss Kay!" a stern voice bellowed as a heavy object slammed against my desk causing me to shoot up from sleep. My classmates began to laugh as our teacher glared at me with arms folded menacingly. All I could do was smile sheepishly and let out a fake giggle. "Get to the guidance counselor's office this instant, young lady!"

I walked out of the class with my head hung low. As I approached the counselor's room I felt my stomach turn this way and that as butterflies fluttered around inside. I knocked twice and waited for a response.

"Please come in," a gentle voice called from within.

"H-hello. Good morning," I greeted as I entered. I had never been good at dealing with people I wasn't familiar with. In summary, I was quite shy, introverted even.

"Ah, Miss Kay. I have been expecting you. Miss Potts has already filled me in on the details. Please, have a seat and let us talk about the matter for a bit," she pointed to the vacant seat opposite to her.

I sat down and wiggled around, unable to find myself comfortable in the current circumstances. I found it difficult to make eye contact with Ms. Rusella and found my eyes wandering around the room.

"It is my understanding that you have been falling asleep during most of your classes. A number of your teachers have stepped forward to comment on your sudden change in behaviour and the truth is that many of them are worried that something may be going on in your life that you aren't making known. This is your third year Miss Kay. For the last two years, you have displayed amazing skills in academics and extra-curricular activity. Not to mention that you have always been the top in your class. Many of the staff have enjoyed boasting of your diligent and hardworking nature as well. This year however, your behaviour has us quite worried. It's only the first term and yet you seem to be slacking off badly. You haven't even attended any of your club activities since. What is happening Runa?"

I looked into my lap as Ms. Rusella spoke her mind to me. Unable to think of the right answer to give her, I merely sat in my current position unmoving.

"Runa... is there something going on at home that has you troubled?" she inquired. I shook my head to deny the claim.

"Then is it because you're studying all night that you're too tired?" she pressed. I responded exactly as I had previously.

"Perhaps... it couldnt be a boy that has you like this, can it?" she continued. I clenched my jaw when she said this and remained irresponsive.

"Hmm. I see. It is a guy then. You are of that age I guess. But you can't let your future suffer because of a relationship."

"N-no. It- It's not what you think," I forced out the words.

"So then what is it like?" she questioned.

"N-nothing," I stuttered.

"Runa...... if you won't tell me then I can't help you," she sighed.

"I.... I'm sorry," I whispered.

She stared at me worriedly before finally speaking again, "Listen. Go take a rest in the infirmary. As you are right now, I don't think you can function well in class. When you feel well again and you are ready to speak to someone, I will be here willimg to lend an ear."

I nodded and rose from my chair. I trudged along to the nurse's room contemplating my worries and stress. Eveyone was so kind and caring in the school and they were always willing to aid me in my struggles and yet I could not bring myself to tell anyone the truth.

I plopped down on one of the beds without a word since no one was here at the time. I closed my eyes for a second and visualized his face once again. The sudden blare of the television set jerked me right back to reality.

"Seven months have passed since the ceasefire following the battle between the Vajra Dynasty and our very own Zuinia Empire where King Vajra lost his life and out Prince Cecil Valerio had gone missing. As of yet the Prince's whereabouts are yet to be uncovered however the current temporary leader of the Regalbane had these words to say: "The Regalbane is working hard to find anything that can lead us to our fellow ally and revered Prince Cecil. Some new information has come to light and we are surely closing in on his exact condition however fate is the only thing that can determine the outcome of our predicament." At this time the still degrading health of our lord, King Valerio has left the entire nation at a loss and his condition has only worsened since the Prince's disappearance. We will bring updates as they arrive. Until then, stay tuned."

Despite living in Zuinia for my entire life, I was never interested in the political matters of the higher powers. From what I had learned in history, the Zuinia Empire was constantly at war with neighbouring powers for decades until only recently when King Valerio gave birth to a son whom harboured a power far superior to any seen by the royal blood thus far. This child, Prince Cecil Valerio, struck fear into his enemies merely through the mention of his name and as such there was a greater period of peace between the nations. That was until the Vajra Dynasty, a line of rulers with an age old hatred for our people, launched an attack against the Zuinia Empire a few months ago. The rest..... well that was just covered by the news story wasn't it?

Before I had even realised it, I had fallen asleep on those soft white sheets and I would not awaken until I felt the gentle swaying of my body by two warm hands. I opened my eyes slowly and stared up at the school nurse.

"Hey," she whispered, "you should wake up. It's been half an hour since school ended. You looked so relieved sleeping over here so I let you lay a while longer."

"Th-thank you," I yawned, stretching my arms. I hurried to the exit eager to leave school for the day.

"Runa...." she called out.

"Y-yes miss?" I responded.

"Take care okay?" she smiled.

The words only stung as they served as a reminder of everyone's love towards me. I rushed out of the building and sped straight out of the school gates without looking back. I did it now. How could I ever look her in the face again after this? So embarrasing!

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