The Crackling Rock

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It feels so right, what an evil treat.

Hunger pains gnaw yet you cannot eat.

You'll never defeat this hell you've created.

Is it everything you anticipated?

Your happiness faded, your world now black.

Running endeavour forever, you can never go back

The devil has you now and will devour you whole.

Lifeless and pathetic, you've sold your soul.

You can't get out, you can't escape,

Just one hit is all it takes.

Sketching, crashing, uncontrollable shakes,

Delusions, confusion, your heart now breaks.

The sweet taste you'll always crave.

The addiction you'll fight until your grave.

Random rage you can't explain,

Guilt and sadness, forever pain.

Awake for days without sleep

Inhale the smoke, smooth and deep

Inhuman pleasure as you release your breath.

That will soon decease and turn to death.

Your tongue goes numb, such a rush

Tingling touch, your cheeks feel flushed.

Never enough, you need much more.

Panic paranoid, shut and lock the door.

Absorbed to the core and lost in thought,

Lying on the floor waiting to rot.

Sought for help but nobody cares,

Cold and scared, disgusted stares.

Your beginning to look like the rest of them!

Frantically searching for your friend,

Under the couch? Under the table?

Another statistic, another label.

Your greedily need

Another hit

One after another, you cannot quit,

A bottomless put of sorrows and lies.

Consuming your mind, you won't be fine,

Blinded by the crackling rock,

Trapped in a room with an unbreakable lock.

You'll depend on it for happiness

But the bliss you feel doesn't really exist.

Haunting you in your nightmare dreams,

Open your mouth to release silent screams.

Help me please, take it all away

Pull me back when I go astray!

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