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I stood at the end of the stairs, un-noticed for the moment. I took this time to really look at the nice-haired guy. I looked at him in some basketball type shorts with the military academy logo on it. To match with the shorts, he was wearing a grey t-shirt that had the same logo, but bigger and dead center. He had some black running shoes as well. He seemed pretty fit in my opinion. My eyes moved up to his face. He had a nice set of brown hair for a guy and nice facial features. He was quite attractive.

"Delilah you ready to go?" Carl smirked at the door. I glanced over at V and Fiona who were laughing at carl. "Let's go we can take Kev's car" Fiona stepped forward, reaching for the door handle. Carl stepped in front of her. "Carl we don't wanna creep the girl back to her fucked up parents. Come on move." Fiona raised a brow to show she was serious. He rolled his eyes and stepped to the side. "you can come with but we will be keeping an eye on you." She laughed. V grabbed the keys and we all hopped in the car. Carl and I sat in the back as V drove.

We pulled up to a run-down gym. It had not a lot of people walking in the door. "Not the safest looking gym but it's free." V stated, parking the car. We all got out and walked into the door. "You guys aren't really going to sit there and watch us are you?" Carl rolled his eyes, slamming his car door. V put her hand on carl's shoulder and squeezed it lightly. A smile on her face. "Not her. You. We trust her." Fiona busted out laughing. "You guys will eventually get bored." Carl complained. "you really think they will get bored of me out-lifting you?" His tongue was pushed on the inside of his cheek, while smiling. His chuckle was deep. "Or outrunning you." V put her input in. "Oh Carl. We wont get bored of that." Fiona punched his arm. He nodded. "It's a challenge. Bench press first." Carl began walking into the gym. Surprisingly, the gym did not look that bad on the inside. It had decent equipment, not a terrible smell, but had run down walls.

For a summer day there wasn't a lot of people here so we chose a nice bench. I let carl go first and I spotted him. He benched a good 148 when he was done. This guy could lift. "Beat that." He stood up winking. I ended up matching the weight. "Fine! We tied." I laughed, sitting up on the bench. "Um, Carl." Fiona raised her eyebrow at Carl after they were laughing. I was confused on what was going on but Carl was turning bright red. "Off to more."

After matching his weights on everything in the gym that involved weights, We headed to the track outside. "Sprints or long distance?" I asked smiling. "How about sprints? I want to see who is genuinely faster." Fiona nudged Veronica. "She will destroy you." She laughed. I shrugged and moved over to the start line for a 200 meter sprint. What Carl didn't know is that I was the captain of both the varsity girl and varsity boys soccer team all four years of high school and was varsity track for three. Both were sports you needed speed for.

"Mind if I take my shirt off?" Carl smirked. I shook my head. I have two younger brothers. Of course I wouldn't mind. That was, until his shirt came off. He had a pretty fine body, in my opinion. That had distracted me. Before I knew it he was lined up and Fiona had called our start. I took off, He was beating me until the last hundred meters. I kicked in full gear and was ahead of him at least 5 meters. We could hear Fiona and V laughing from the other side of the track. "Holy shit!" He said out of breath. "Thank you. You competed well. Just not well enough, Carl." I flicked my brow, sticking my hand out for a handshake. I am competitive but at least i'm a good sport. He refused the handshake.

Instead, he took me by surprise and wrapped me into his decently muscular arms. I stood there straight armed and surprised for a moment but hugged him back when it got awkward. "When we get to the car, we need to swap numbers." He smirked, walking towards Fi and V. "I don't think so, man." I laughed shaking my head. He let out a laugh and let his head drop as we made it to the girls. "So she totally kicked your ass." V laughed before her and Fiona started a sing-song version of the statement, dancing around him. "Alright. Alright. She got lucky. We need to make this a regular event." Carl smiled at us, picking his shirt up off the ground to wipe his sweaty neck on.

"Well I cant promise everyday bu-" Carl cut V off. "No. I mean like just us. Trust me we will be fine." V glanced at Fiona who shrugged. Carl wrapped his arm around my shoulders, thinking he was smooth. I knew that he was probably like every other guy who have only been my friends to get to my pants. I wasn't letting this happen with Carl, even though he hasn't done anything too flirty. I wanted to be sure that it wouldn't get to the flirty point, so I pushed his arm off of me. "alright I trust that. Wait until Kev hears about this. Mm. He is going to laugh his ass off." V laughed lightening up the awkwardness.

When we got into the car, Carl had passed me his phone. I looked down at it. It was on the add contacts screen. Immediately I gave the phone back to him. I shook my head.

"You should come up to my room. We could listen to music." Carl smirked. Rolling my eyes because I knew where that would go, I plopped down on the couch. Ignoring his statement. Fiona walked over to the wall. "I think you should go shower." She flipped on the radio in their living room. she then joined me on the couch. "Liam should be home from school any moment now." Fiona kicked her feet up and Let out a sigh.

"Yeah so I was like what the fuck bro." A male voice spoke over the music. Fiona turned the volume down. I turned around to face the door and see Lip with a redhead guy. He was buff and kind of attractive. What is it with the men in this family? I thought to myself.
Breaking my thoughts the guy spoke. "Who is this?" I put my hand out for him to shake it. "Delilah. I just moved in with my uncle Kev." He shook my hand firmly. "Oh wow. I didn't know he had a niece. I'm Ian." Then him and Lip continued their conversation into the kitchen. "Hey Delilah! You want a cold one?" I looked a V questioningly. She shrugged. "Yeah sure!" I stood up and made my way to the kitchen. Lip had a cigarette tucked into his ear. "Do you always have a cigarette attached to some part of your body?" I took the beer from his hand. He nodded laughing. "It's been a while since I've seen him without one. Especially since he stopped drinking." Ian popped his beer open.

"Why did you stop?" I asked him, curious as to why. I don't drink a lot but I have fun when I do. "I got into some trouble at college. Had to go to rehab." I nodded. I respected that he was able to put himself back together again after a meltdown. Unlike most people I knew. "Pissed on the house mother. of the sorority he was in." Ian laughed, taking a swig of the beer. "Part of." Lip corrected his brother firmly. We all busted out laughing. "So, what is there to do for fun here?" I asked them chugging my beer down and throwing it away. "I like her." Lip laughed to Ian about my beer skills. "There isn't much but we can go play pool at the alibi room. Go get high. Not much." Ian answered. I nodded, thinking deeply. Before I could speak a familiar voice spoke behind me. "Excuse me, beaut-" Lip cut carl off. Carl reached into the beer and grabbed two beers. Handing me one. He had just a towel on to cover his male parts. "Carl she doesn't seem to be interested." Lip and ian chuckled in unison. Ian sat up on the counter. "So I don't think Trevor Is going to talk to me again." Ian spoke upset.


Authors note

sorry that this chapter is literal shit. I just had really bad writers block. I have a plan I just get stuck leading up to my plans most of the time. I'm sorry and I don't blame you if you stop writing. I will, however, try to make the next chapter better. Also I love love love feedback. Whether it is positive or negative. So comment your opinions please.



kind of a badass//Carl GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now