It ends here

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Naruto didnt want to lift his head from the ground. Didnt want to look at the man in front of him. Didnt want to look at the only one who was capable at breaking him. Kyuubi roared inside him, telling him to get up, to fight back, to do something. But he didnt want to anymore. He pushed Kyuubi down, and stayed on the ground. He looked at the feet infront of him. He blinked.

- I´ve always loved you. Sasuke.

It was just a quiet whisper, but he knew Sasuke could hear him. He had fought, and fought, and fought for this one person, for this one person to recognize him, to listen to him, to choose him, the way he had chosen. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see, not wanting to care, not wanting to feel. But when he heard the answer, he couldnt push it away anymore, he couldnt stop everything inside him from screaming, from rejoysing, from hurting.

-I´ve always loved you too...Naruto.

The words echoed in his head, and he pushed himself up, standing in front of the one he loved, with his eyes closed, not wanting him to have said that, not wanting him to make the hope inside him flare up again, not wanting to fight anymore. He heard the one in front of him pull out a sword, and smiled softly, tired of fighting. He felt the swords tip being placed on his chest, in front of his beating heart. He exhaled, and waited, trying to shut out the feeling of already being dead, the feeling that the one thing you´ve been living for wanted you dead. He waited, gasping softly as the sword slowly started to dig into his chest. But then it stopped. He felt blood starting to drip down from his chest, slowly. But he didnt resist. He just stood there. He felt a hand, softly holding his chin. He felt like he would cry. But he didnt. He felt the fingers gently caress his skin.

-Naruto... Why cant I kill you?

He didnt answer. He felt he sword being removed, and he moaned softly. He didnt want this to go on. After years of finding and losing Sasuke, he just wanted Sasuke, the one he loved, do what he had always planned in doing to Naruto. Kill him.


He didnt want to hear the anger and desperation in Sasukes voice. He didnt want to give in to his hope. He slowly opened his eyes, looking at a frustrated raven, surprised to see tears. He closed them again. Not liking the look in the onyx eyes.

-Naruto! Why arent you fighting back? Do you want to die?!

He heard the sadness and anger in Sasukes voice, and just nodded slowly. And he felt a punch in the stomach.

-Do something! God damn it Naruto!

He didnt open his eyes, but felt himself being pushed into a tree.

-Just do it Sasuke.

His voice was just a soft mumble. He felt Sasuke grab his chin again, both hands gently cradling his face.

-I cant. I need to. Hell Naruto!

He felt Sasukes lips crash into his own. And that was it. That was the one thing that made him cry. He felt the salty drips roll down his cheeks, spreading the salt on his tanned skin. As Sasukes lips pulled away, he couldnt bare it anymore. He felt Sasukes gentle touch sweep his tears away. 

-Sasuke. Please dont do this to me.

He felt Sasuke lean back.

-But I have to kill you Naruto.

He shook his head.

-Thats not what I mean.

He opened his eys for a moment, closing them again as he saw Sasuke look back. He felt Sasuke move, walk away. He wanted to scream. He felt the sword being placed aginst his heart again, and he shuddered.

-I love you Naruto.

He smiled at the one in front of him.

-I´ll always love you too, Sasuke.

He sighed as the sword pushed into his chest. He opened his eyes, seeing Sasuke standing in front of him. He placed his hand on Sasukes cheek, and gave the shadow off a smile.

And then everything stopped.

Sasuke grasped his limp body before it could fall,  holding back his tears. He layed it down softly on the ground, and stared at him for a few seconds, memorizing all the little details about the blonde who would never open his ocean blue eyes again. He then pressed the tears back, only allowing one to slide down his cheek.

And then he walked away.

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