How you two meet each other

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I was the music producer of the new band called the "One Direction". They were formed by Simon Cowell and I was contacted shortly after to help produce their first single called "What Makes You Beautiful". I was send the song and was working on it to change it a little bit to make it sound more smoother and to start making a background music for it so the boys could follow with it and it would be easier for all of us. 

"Y\N the boys are on their way, is everything good to go?" My dad asked me 

"Yeah dad just adding last minute things on it" I replied 

Just as I was playing the finished product the door opened and 5 boys walked in.

"Hi! we are One Direction" The curly head said 

" I know.. have a seat please" 

" You look so young to be doing this job" One with the blonde hair said 

"Hahahah... it is not my job.. my dad is the boss I just help around for him"

" Ohh"

"So what's your names?"

" I'm Louis"




"And I'm Liam, nice to meet you!"


I was at the bar with my friends, it was a get away day from our horrible life that we have to live. 8 hours a day at work on our feet and university after that etc etc. Today was the day to get lose, to dance, to just simply have fun. I was at the dance floor, dancing and humping; the regular things people at the bars/clubs you know? While I was dancing I left to the washroom to check upon my make up to make sure it is not dripping from my face. I was walking and was all of a sudden was pushed to the wall by a very strong man. 

"Let go of ME!" I screamed 

" Sorry love, I can't" 

I was being sexuallized by  this man, and I couldn't do anything. I started to push him but he was too strong, I kicked him but it didn't seem to affect him . I did everything I possibly can to stop him but he would not get off me. At first he was such talking bullshit but then things go to another level by him trying to touch me.

"SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!" I screamed but no body heard me 

He put his hand in front of me ans started to drag me away from the people. I always imagined if this ever happened to me I would scream get help, be strong enough push him off, but it is so not easy as I imagines. We were outside now and I had to get away before he could do anything to me. I started to kick and kick, finally got the chance to him in the balls and boy did I take that change he lost his grip on me from the pain and I started to run and run away. 


As I was running away I bumped into someone and they hold me in their arms, when I looked up it was a guy that looked so sweet I believed he would help me 

"Please help me!! someone is trying to hurt me please pleaseeeee" I started to beg

"Love, calm down I'm here don't worry you are not going to get hurt" I felt so safe in his arms, it felt like the god send me him to save me. 

When the guy that was running after me finally showed up and I started to freak out, he pushed me behind him and told the guy to leave me alone, when he said he wouldn't he even started a fight for me. People broke them apart and I was happy to see that he was not hurt. 

"Thank you so much!! you did not had to do that! you saved my life thank you thank you thank you thank you!!" 

" Its not a problem! Whats your name?"

"I'm Y/N"

"Nice to meet you Y/, I'm Louis"


Today was the AMAs, and me and my agent got all dolled up to go, for the first time in my acting career I was nominated for a award and I was so excited to attend it  even if  I didnt get the award. The fans were going crazy about me being nominated which made the whole situation amazing. We came to the red carpet and  it was very crowded and crazy, nothing like I have ever seen. Once I finished the red carpet my agency told me that my favorite artist Niall  Horan was here and I was going crazy as a fangirl. I was a fangirl that found a way to sneak in at this point of the night and I was wishing and praying that I would meet him and get a picture or something. We took our seats and sat and waited for the awards a few of the artists started to perform and One Direction was one of them where I again freaked out. When they were finished they sat at a table very near us where I could not take my eyes out of. Time comes and I win the award which is an amazing thing, I'm so nervous for everything that is happening I cannot think straight. As I was back stage overwhelmed by the love of the fans. 

"Hey aren't you Y/N" I heard a voice say and as I look up it is Niall Horan 

"Um..... yessss"

"The fans tweet me a lot about you, heard I am your celebrity crush; very nice to know "

" Hahah very awkward in my part"


Today I was at work, very busy day for some odd reason. Towards 2 pm the front of the store, people started to fill up. Nobody knew why this was happening and all of us were confused as to what was going on. 2:30 the security started to come and open up the front of the coffee shop because we had actual customers that wanted to come in and get a coffee that were regular. Lots of them were not aloud to come in cause of what was going on and we were told to not leave the shop. As the time passed more people started to come and as more people started to come the less the people in the shop became because they could not take the noise outside. About an hour later a black car came in front of the store and a girl and a boy left the car and walked towards the shop. The people went mental and at that moment we realized that it was a celebrity, not that I really cared about who it was. 

"Omg it is Harry Styles and his sister!!!" My co-worker started to freak out and I did not care at all, I too tired. 

"Hi can we get two coffees?" Harry asked

"Sure!" My co-worker chimed in and I was trying so hard to not laugh out loud for her reaction

"Can you take them the coffee? I'm scared I'll shake and drop it on them!" 

"Hahaha okay okay"

"I'm Y/N and here are your coffees if there is anything else just call me " I said to Harry and his sister that was actually so pretty

"Nice to meet you" His sister chimed in. 


This is my first Preference I hope you guys enjoy it! Don't forget to give me some feedback and vote, comment and also follow me 

Thanks so much for reading!!!

Unknown xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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