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What if you could go back and change something in your life? It could be absolutely anything of your choice and could be for any reason. Maybe you tried to do gymnastics in the lounge room and ended up cracking your head open on the TV cabinet, maybe you dropped your last Oreo on the ground and wanted to prevent it from falling, or maybe you said or did something that you should never have.

I myself have done all of these things, as well as many others that should never be mentioned again; however something that I frequently contemplate and think about going back to the past for is luck.

What would have happened if I had picked up the coin that was heads up on the ground? Would I have gotten good luck? Would it have just been a waste of time and I could have saved five seconds of my life? Would it have changed my life dramatically and prevented something horrible from happening? Would it have caused something bad to happen after it caused something amazing?

I will never know. And even though I know I will never know, it doesn't stop me from wondering every once in a while: What if? What if I had of picked up that coin? What if I had of told that guy that I liked him? What if I had of tried just a bit harder on that test?

Doing either of these things would have set my life onto a different path that would have positively or negatively affected it, but I will never know which path it would have led me on.

There isn't just one thing that I would change from my past, there are so many that if I were to go back, my life would be so different from this one that I wouldn't even recognize it. So yes, what if I did pick up that coin? But I would rather wonder, than go back and pick it up only to find that my future was not the one that I had left.

I would rather have amazing and horrible memories than loose those memories all together. So, maybe you wish to go back and fix something that you did wrong or that set you on a negative path, but would it really be worth it? When you come back and find that you messed up more than you fixed, could you possibly justify your reasons? Would your life really have benefited?

That is something for you, and you only, to decide, but if I had the opportunity to go back to change an event in the past, or stay and live my current life that I would never give up for anything, I know what I would do.

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