Chapter 3

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"Welcome to the pack Anna"

May looked at me expectantly but all I could do was stare in shock. This wasn't happening. Was it?

Her face falls slightly and her eye brows knit together with worry.

How long had I stood without saying anything? I opened my mouth and closed it again. I must have looked like a idiotic fish.

Welcome to the pack.

That didn't make sense. I was in this pack. Alpha James and luna Val was my pack.
Why would I now be in her pack? I didn't understand.

She turns to look back at Dante and Luke with worry and it all hits me.

Luke was my mate. I was now marked. That means I was his and I would go to his pack. That was the rules and Being his mate means I would be high rank because he was the beta.

I was no longer in alpha James and luna Vals pack.

Oh I bet they fucking loved that.

My eyes lock onto luke and fear grips me.
This wasn't happening.

"Anna are you okay?"

May's voice was weary and I wanted to cry. How could I go to there pack? I didn't even know them. Did my mate even want me? would I be treated worse than I already was? I wouldn't have Jenson or Matt with me. They was my only friends, the only people that showed my kindness.

I'm scared.

I tear my eyes away from my mate and look at May once more.

"No- I mean, no. I- can't. I'm so sorry"

Turning away from everyone I break into a full sprint and shift. My clothes rip from my body and my all brown wolf replaces me. My strong paws pound into the grass as I run away from the group.

I could here Jenson and Matt shouting after me but I couldn't stop. I felt ridiculous for running away but I needed some time to get my head around this. I needed to go home.


I made the run without being stopped and I heard no one coming after me, once inside my cottage I pulled on my white cotten bath robe to hide my naked body.

I should have stayed here today! Why did I even go to the fucking meeting! I had no business being there!
I wanted to scream out in frustration but something tells me that wasn't a good idea. Walking to the mirror in my bathroom I stare at my reflection.

I looked the same. Big tired brown eyes and pale skin. My hair was a mess and looked dull. The two small faded scars still sat on my cheek. The only thing that had changed was the dried blood on my neck that my mark hid under.

Running the warm water I grab and wash cloth with shaking hands and slowly wiped away the blood. It didn't feel tender anymore and i was suprised to see that it had healed already. Unlike the other scars I had this one looked silver or a very pale blue. Very different from the red ones I already had across my back and neck.

It looked nice. As far as nice scars went. I shake my head again at my stupid thoughts.

Running my finger tip over the mark I felt the sparks. Not as strong this time but enough to make my close my eyes and moan quietly.

My mind returned to Luke. His strong body and tanned skin. His long and dark hair. The small scar that ran over his left eyebrow. I wondered how he had gotten that scar?

I wonder what he would say if he saw my body. All of it.

Turning so my back was to the mirror I slowly drop my robe to the floor. The chill from the bathroom raises goosebumps across my body.

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