Chapter 1

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Jennifer, Jennifer, Jennifer. The name echoed in my head as the double doors of the school swung open. I kept my head down and avoided as many people as I could. I tried to skip as many of my classes as possible, I sat on the toilet for most of the day, but then I thought I couldn't keep hiding in here like I'd done something, I needed to pretend that nothing had happened. So I opened the cubical door and took a deep breath. I looked to the mirror and turned the tap on, I splashed my face with water then walked out the door down the corridor. I walked to class, when I realised that it was History which meant that Mr.Harris would be there. Mr.Harris hates me so much, he gave me an hour and a half of detention for the whole week. So when I walked in I was scared for my life, I turned the handle and ended up falling, when I looked up I was surprised, it wasn't Mr.Harris standing over me - it was Mrs.Grundy. She asked me if I was alright, I answered fine and went to my seat. I was fine until Mrs.Grundy told us to open our textbooks, when I opened my textbook it was full of pictures of what I did, I didn't think anyone was there. Who could it have been? I fell to the ground on my knees, I looked at my hands all I could see was blood, I was holding the knife, all the evidence was there it was on my hands. I got off the ground picked up my textbook and ran,I didn't stop and when I found somewhere to stop I sat in the corner of a wall in a alley and started to cry. I thought to myself she made me do it, it wasn't my fault, was it? She practically did it her self, her hands were on the knife as well. Images flash before my eyes; a dark alleyway, the glint of silver in her hands, her scared pale face, by now I was hysterical I was screaming, crying, I didn't know what to do. I closed my eyes and thought about happy things like memories me playing with my brother, and my mum and dad dancing together. So I pulled myself together and stood up. Today was Thursday so it was dad's day. I got to my dad's around 6:30. I ringed the bell at the gate and Phil let me in.

"Thanks Phil!" I said

"Your welcome Ms. Williams."

I called the lift, when the doors opened I pressed number 9. I took out my keys from my pocket and opened the door. When I walked through, my dad was sitting there on the phone, like always. I walked up the stairs to my room. I slammed the door and thought 'who is Jennifer?'. Then I thought if I'm going to try to act normal I would have to do what normal people do. So I took out the Physics folder and started revising. At around 9:30 i went down to see if my dad had prepared dinner, but he was still on the phone. So instead I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich. I got out the cheese, bread, pan, butter, oil, chopping board and knife. I took out the cheese from the plastic wrap and placed it on the board. When I picked up the knife I had a flash back.

All I could see were her hands and my hands of the piece of metal. She put it through herself and she flopped to the ground like a piece of meat. But she said the name like it was the most important thing on earth. Normally most people would say tell my mum I love her, but she said Jennifer.

I had dropped the knife on the ground and thought I shouldn't have put my hands on the knife, I shouldn't have let her do it and because of me friends and family are suffering, because of me an innocent life has been taken. I started to cry again. I was crying because I knew what I would be getting myself into if I put my hands on that knife, but I did it even thought I was aware of the consequences. I did it and messed up the whole balance of the world. Everything had been tipped to one side and I don't know how to make it level again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2017 ⏰

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