Chap-30 Honalulu

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Well on the with the chapter.

Kei's POV

"I can't believe we did this", Jules gushed looking at the marriage certificate.

The last few days had been a whirlwind for Kei and his new founded love Jules. They had both lived a whole life in the four short days they new each other. He had been understanding and willing to prove his affections of her while she treaded as best she could through the crazy fast courtship. Love like this only happened once in your life. Only a fool would run away from it. Jules believed that to, and sooner rather than later she lifted up her barriers and allowed herself to fall, truly believing Kei would be there to catch her.

Strange how things work out. The rage and the bitterness were still there. As was the wanting of revenge perhaps even stronger.

But it could wait.

He owed it to Jules and to himself to have this honeymoon.

"Kei, the plane departs in two hours so we better get a move on".

Jules glanced at him with her icy blue eyes that caused him to fall in love with her again and again.

"Yeah, lets go".

Smiling she folded the rest of our clothes and put them in the suitcases.

"Have you been to Honolulu yet Jules?"

"No I'm excited especially since I'll be there with you".

Blushing she looked down and zipped the suitcase the rest of the way up. A short two steps later I had her arms wrapped around my waist and my hands caressing her cheeks.

"Why are you blushing"?

"I-I'm not". She replied blushing even more.

"Mhmm", I whispered in her ear then picked the suitcase up off the bed and headed towards her car.

Keira's POV

The landing gear of the plane began coming out as we were headed in the end of our decent almost touching the runway.

"Woah", I gasped as the plane hit harder than I anticipated.

The man who had been sitting next to me was half asleep and his head had been bumping and falling in me the entire ride.

"Honestly", I mumbled to myself scooter closer to Phyllite who had his heard turned laughing.

"Phyllite", I said slapping his shoulder.

"What, ok, return flight I'll sit in the middle."

He leaned in to kiss me but I pulled my face away just looking at him.

"I'll swim back next time".

As much as I tried to be serious the corners of my mouth curved up into a smile.

"Sure you will", he said grabbing my face and kissing me, sloppily all over my face.

"Phyllite", I said wiggling and moving crazily in between laughs.

He pulled back and looked at me hitting me with his heart stopping smile.

"Your a mess", I said breathlessly.

Thank you for riding Delta, be sure to remove all of your items and belonging.

"Ok come on", I said reaching for my things in the cabinet.

Squeezing through the aisle I hopped off the plane, happy to be on the ground again.

"Were here", I yelled to Alana when she came up to were I was.

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