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Jamie walked down the sidewalk glaring at a few strangers passing her way. She looked to her right to see a raggedy man with a jar infront of him with a sign. The sign read; single father in need of medicine. Jamie scoffed and kicked over the jar. And grabbed the sign. " should've gotten a job." she mocked. Insert ripping paper sound
She dropped the remains of the sign onto the concrete and kept walking, her heels clicking and strangers judging her harshly. But she ignored them. She didn't feel empethy, or anger toward the man. She just thought it was the right thing to do.
But she didn't know.
Because she can't feel.
She took a sharp left turn and nearly ran into a young girl with a balloon.
"Oh, excuse me miss." The young girl said
Something in this girl sparked something in Jamie, "It's quite alright." She smiled
What is wrong with me! What just happened? Her mind whirled as she continued her way down the winding road of her small town in New york.
After what felt like years she finally made it back to her house. She threw open the door, to see her parents, who at this point where probably as high as a kite, arguing
"If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times! You don't need a  job!" Her father boomed
Her mother let out a disgusted noise "

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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