Chapter 9

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Those eyes. They were so dark and mysterious, yet made me fall in love so quickly. I couldn't help but feel weak. A microphone was against my lips. I lost all feeling in my body and just stared. My idol, my inspiration, my everything, was standing a few inches away holding a microphone up to me. "WHATS YOUR NAME SWEETY?" Bruno yelled out. "I I I ..." I couldn't talk. My heart was about to fall out of my body. "I'm Kacy!!!" I finally managed to get out. "Kacy, oh sweet Kacy" Bruno dragged out. My mom was videotaping me standing emotionless staring at Bruno. We've been making eye contact for over a minute and I couldn't feel anything. I was in complete shock. "Damn Kacy how are you tonight at the moonshine jungle?" "I'm amazing" I slowly said. Bruno smirked and began to back away. "Hit it boys!" The boys all jumped to the floor and started doing the grind on me dance. I continued standing there staring without a feeling at all. "Holy shit Kacy you just talked to Bruno Mars aren't you gonna say anything????" I couldn't say anything. I couldn't feel anything. My idol and I had just talked in front of thousands of jealous girls. I was his girl of the night.

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