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Grayson sighed as he got out of the car and looked at the huge house he would soon call home. Well, not really. California is not home. Portland is home. Grayson was pretty annoyed at his parents for moving him and his two brothers from their childhood home.
See, Grayson, Jackson and Hunter were born in Boulder, Colorado. Tobin and Alex adopted them when Gray was 3, Jack 2, and Hunt 6 months.
The boys grew up in Portland, Oregon with their parents playing for the Thorns. All three of them loved playing hockey, snowboarding, and exploring the snow covered forest in their backyard. California was going to be different for sure.
When Alex got traded to the Orlando Pride, the family promised that things would settle down......soon or later. Truly, the only reason why the boys seemed happy about moving is that the whole family finally gets to be together forever. But the boys are restless. They're starting a new school and things will be a lot different.
Grayson looks around the huge house's yard. He saw a palm tree down the street, something you never see in Portland. He started walking up the path. Tobin was waiting for him in the door way. Grayson walks angrily past her.
"Something wrong bud?" Tobin asks her son.
"Something wrong?! Yea something's wrong. We live in California now! No snow, no snowboarding, and no hockey!"
"They have hockey here Gray." Tobin says calmly, considering how flustered Grayson was.
"Yea, but not Portland hockey." Grayson retorts.
"Okay,  we will try and figure it out. You'll be fine Grayson." Tobin says bringing in Grayson for a hug.
Grayson goes along furious, but then figures out that a hug is all he needs.
"Go find your room." Tobin says smiling.
Grayson smiles and walks away. He walks down the huge hallway until he finds a door that has a sign written with black sharpie saying: Grayson's room. Gray nervously opens the door, not knowing what to expect. When the door opens, Grayson walks into the room. He sits down on his bed and looks at the four dark blue walls. He was thinking a lot about how this place might not be so bad. But he wasn't sold. He didn't trust this; he knew that once they had all gotten settled down, that would have to leave again. He wasn't unpacking.
Alex comes to the doorway as Grayson is deep in thought.
"Gray." She says.
Grayson jumps, not expecting her to be there.
"Sorry.." Alex says walking over and sitting on the bed next to her son.
"What's up? Mama told me you were a little upset." Alex says fixing Gray's blonde  hair and looking into his deep brown eyes.
"'s just. It's everything. Our life in Portland was perfect, now it's ruined."
"It's not ruined Grayson. This is our permanent home. We're not leaving again. You will settle into California so fast, you won't even remember Portland."
"I'll never forget Portland." Grayson stammers.
Alex tilts  her head at her 15 year old son.
"You don't have to forget Portland literally. I just mean that California will feel like Portland did, home. Ya got me?" Alex smiles.
"Yea." Grayson says lifting his head and smiling.
"Good." Alex replies and kissing Gray's and leaving.
Alex turns around and says: "and stop pissing me off and unpack your stuff." She says laughing.
Grayson laughs and nods.
Grayson is in the middle of unpacking his sports trophies when he hears yelling. He runs out to the living room and sees that Mama and Hunter have found the Nerf guns. The screaming was 13 year old, Jackson , who was being chased.
Hunter spots me and yells: "New target 12 o clock!"
Tobin and Hunter shift their focus off of Jackson and on to Gray. To Gray, nothing was scarier than a 36 year old and a 12 year old with Nerf guns.
Using his quick thinking, Grayson ducks behind the couch, just missing a dart. Jackson follows him and says: "Just when we thought they were done with this faze." He says laughing. Grayson laughs back.
Grayson then says: "There's another gun in that box over there, I'm gonna try and get it."
Jackson nods at his brother. Grayson rises slowly. Tobin sees him and shoots a dart. The speeding dart just misses Gray and hits a vase that was there when they got the house. The vase shatters on to the floor.
"Opps." Tobin laughs. The other three boys start to laugh as well.
They stop when Alex comes into the room.
"Tobin." Alex sighs.
"....we haven't even been here a day and you already broke something!"
"Sorry, I'll clean it up." Tobin chuckles jogging over to the scene.
"You better." Alex says.
Alex hears Hunter chuckle.
"Hey you were apart of this too young man. You could be helping Mama." Alex says jokingly while wrapping her arms around her youngest son.
"Pizza will be here in 15 minutes." Alex adds.
"Why don't you guys take a swim in the pool?" Tobin says sweeping up glass.
"There's a pool?" Grayson says excitedly.
"Yea." Alex says pointing to the huge backyard. Grayson turns around and sees the family trampoline, a basketball court and a HUGE pool.
"Let's do it." Hunter says.
The boys get their swim trunks on and cannonball into the pool.
20 minutes later,
Alex and Tobin come out with the pizza and following them was Grandpa Mike and Grandma Pam (Alex's parents).
The boys get out of the pool, starving and cold.
"Hey grandpa." Jackson says hugging Mike. The kids make their rounds of hugging to their grandparents and sit down to eat.
Grayson eats his pizza while watching the sun set. He looks at the house and then at his family. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.........

Authors note:
Hey guys!
I hope our liked that first chapter! If you see the name Jackson/Jaxon spelt differently in a few different spots, it's because I was debating on how to spell it. From now on, it will be spelt JACKSON.
Don't forget to read, like and comment!!!
Stay awesome!!!!

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