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Okay so here's my oc

I've been putting off his bio for a while now

{Middle Name}Western, keltoi
{Last Name}Aigkimakane
{Nickname}Western((his most common nickname))

{Species} one-eyed-reaper

{Soulmate}no ((T~T he needs loveeeee)(

{weight}100 lbs
{eye color}pale white with a darker gray out line
{hair color}white with pink tips
{extra}he has only one eye and a scar were the other should've been


{Power}he painted his imagination
{voice}Worst in me by unlike pluto

{Birthday} September 25th
{horoscope} Libra

{Friends}Xhizal ((probably his best friend XD)) Selena and Elena
{Occupation}painter that lives in the void
{phobias?}scared to be alone again

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