Spring Break

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    Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, goodnight, or whatever greeting matchs your current state. My name is CareyTheAmericanPanda and here's another portion of my extremely weird and somewhat boring life.

    It's spring break and you won't believe what I've been doing! I think some of you can guess. I mean everybody does something like go to the beach or go see family members, but me, no, I've been crazy this spring break and I have done . . . NOTHING!!!!!! It's that wonderful?! I have literally sat in my bed and done nothing for, oh god, four days. I'm somewhat worried that I'm just now realizing the extent of my immobility. For four days, I didn't leave my room, except to scavenge for food and water in the fridge, and I'm not over exaggerating. Gosh, I must sound like an effing hermit or something.

    Surprisingly though, I haven't watched that many YouTube viedos or been talking to online strangers through QuizUp. In fact, I have been catching up on school work and reading books by the dozen.

    No, just kidding. I have been sitting in my bed like a paraplegic claiming my bad allegories as an excuse to be left to die alone while I'm curled up on my bed watching youtubers and role playing with online strangers on QuizUp.

    What did you expect from me? That I would actually for once do something productive with my life? Okay guys, you need to get this into perspective. I have no life besides school and swim. Have I mentioned swim yet? Oh, that's another chapter. Anyways, yes, I have no life beside school work and club swim team. Two reasons why this is all my life consists of. One: I don't have a lot of time for anything else. Two: I'm too lazy for anything else.

    An example of not enough time will be Tuesdays. Oh gods I hate Tuesdays. Why are Tuesdays so bad? Because I start my day at fricking four o'clock in the morning. That's right, I get up and, like a crazy person, go to swim practice. Then, I hurry from the pool to home where I finish that math homework I procrastinated on, change, quickly scarf down a breakfeast, and hurry to school. School day passes. I get more math which I don't do in my free period because on Tuesdays Danisnotonfire does his live broadcasts at the same time as my free period. I never miss a broadcast. When I get home, I find myself with a pile of homework assignments and not enough time to do them all because once again I have practice that afternoon. I go to practice and by the time I get back home it's take a shower and hit the sack, (which I never do because I'm secretly staying up till 1:00am doing my homework). 

    Now, that was an example of a day where I was too bust to do anything. An example of a day where I just turn into a hermit and just don't leave the house would be this week. I have had all the time in the world to do anything I have wanted and what do I do? I do nothing. My friends were texting using the group chat and organizing a trip to Interstate where everyone went. I was invited and part of me really wanted to go, but I was too lazy to get up out of my bed and ask my mother to take me. I literally passed up the chance to go have fun with my friends so I could bury myself further under the bedcovers and role play with strangers.

    You might understand me a little better now. I mean I'm not a complete slob. It's not like I procrastinate on everything in life. I have a clean room? Okay, that was a lie as well. My room is a mess. Once again, I have had all the time in the world to clean my room, and I still won't do it til the last day of spring break. Yay! Fabulous. I thought pointing out my procrastination might help me procrastinate less, but I was wrong. I don't procrastinate any less. In fact, I think it's gotten worse to a degree. This is not good. I probably have a serious issue or something. Maybe I need to see a doctor. I could be depressed or have some weird procrastination disorder.  Oh well, I'll schedule an oppointment someother time.

    So, what are your thoughts? Are you like me and can sit in your room for days at a time doing nothing productive, or are you the type to actually get up and do something with your life? Do you have issues with procrastination or do you do your things on time?

Until next time, bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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